Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] into the " in BNC.

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1 Such a view implies the incorporation of the arts or humanities into the broad domain of the social or human sciences , a development which has to some extent occurred in France with the concept of sciences humaines and in Germany under the rubric of Geisteswissenschaft .
2 In turn , the ‘ explicate ’ enfolds or returns into the ‘ implicate ’ .
3 No-one even throws any food or scraps into the woods .
4 Endill tried to cheer him up , tempting him with games of marbles underneath History class or journeys into the corridors .
5 When inserting posts or stakes into the ground for use as fence supports , good rigidity can be ensured by inserting the post through the centre of a four-litre plastic ice cream carton , then filling it with concrete mix .
6 Many also include other pursuits such as canoeing or caving , environmental education for the family , archaeological exploration , or insights into the hidden lives of many species — badgers , long-eared bats , marsh harriers and natterjack toads .
7 She brought Socialist thinkers or politicians into the house , like Graham Wallas or Hugh Dalton .
8 Once inside a gallery , Gina would sidle up to the bowls and shovel large handfuls of nuts or crisps into the pockets of the loose Chinese quilted jacket that she usually wore .
9 Married couples , where one of the spouses has little or no income , should transfer income from deposits and investments into the account of the non-working spouse to use up his or her allowance — that is , a slice of tax free income .
10 And studies by Western photographers and artists into the plight of the Yugoslavian people .
11 In urban areas field officers are well aware that heavy rain causes a substantial run-off of solids from buildings and roads into the nearest stream ; those in mining areas know all about run-off from colliery tips in wet weather .
12 Passengers screamed , but the Hunters , now increased in numbers to twenty or thirty , flew down and sank their claws and teeth into the injured and dying .
13 We checked all but our oilies , hand baggage and briefcases into the airport lock-ups , and after what he had said about the weather , I was glad to see , when we got to the car desk , that he had laid on a four-wheel-drive land-cruiser .
14 This gave her an opportunity to work in Bradford and she extended her interest and investigations into the period of time between 11 and 14 , when a child becomes a woman .
15 The role of the marketing mix is to move objectives and plans into the reality of implementation and achievement .
16 They were to persist , amidst changing circumstances and judgments into the 1980s .
17 She took a roast from the refrigerator , put it into a baking tin , wrapped two potatoes in tinfoil and put both meat and vegetables into the gas oven .
18 ‘ Over recent years I have combined my knowledge and skills into the area of fine hand painted furniture , ’ she explained .
19 Trends in the ageing of the population since the turn of the century and projections into the next are shown in Table 9 .
20 Trends in the ageing of the population since the turn of the century and projections into the next are shown in Figure 2 and Table 1 .
21 Finally , when any disagreements have been ironed out and all has been agreed , the creative team can start turning the ideas and designs into the real thing with the help of other colleagues , outside technicians and various specialists .
22 It took all the courage he had to thrust his head and shoulders into the mouth of that entrance , but he closed his eyes and twisted and turned and after a time tumbled out into a great stone chamber , lit with a soft light of its own that dimmed the glitter of his shining key .
23 If you are head and shoulders into the hole a cave-in must put you very much at risk .
24 The ascent is usually made from the charming village of Hartley , near Kirkby Stephen , where a rising road passing the huge Hartley Quarry is available for cars to a point where a cart track branches off and heads into the hills .
25 Stir the cabbage and carrots into the potato .
26 5 Dip the angelica and almonds into the jug of jelly and arrange on the jelly in the mould .
27 The panel came away after a little while ; he put it on the floor in front of him , and wriggled through on his elbows and knees into the darkness beyond .
28 Pre-scientific thinking about sleep and dreaming is often said to have revolved around the two notions of the soul leaving the body during sleep , or of the body being visited by spirits — gods and demons offering revelations and glimpses into the future , or wandering nightmares .
29 Graham had a sudden , strange image of the train in its tunnel suddenly bursting through clay and bricks into the canal tunnel under Sara 's flat ; taking some ancient subterranean wrong-turning and missing the station entirely , smashing into the darkness and water of the old canal under the hill .
30 Rising from the toilet , she pulls the nightdress over her head and steps into the bath , not first pulling the chain of the toilet because that would affect the temperature of the water coming through the showerhead on the end of its flexible tube , with which she now hoses herself down .
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