Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The historian 's main points or ideas can usually be discovered in ( a ) the first and/or last paragraph of a chapter or section , ( b ) the first sentence of a paragraph — this is the key point for the paragraph and it is usually expressed in one sentence .
2 Too short tights or stockings can also harm feet .
3 Absences from work due to leave , sickness , court attendance , police business elsewhere , or transfers can seriously deplete this number on occasions , leaving the section very understaffed , which is why managers are so sensitive about constables phoning in sick , although this sensitivity is not always communicated in a heavy-handed manner .
4 And since complicated situations or statements can very easily be broken down into a set of simple statements , this in effect means that computers can store complex pieces of information too .
5 The diseases well known to be part of ARC or AIDS have been mentioned , but other infections or conditions can also behave differently in HIV infection .
6 LEFT A series of models or paintings can vividly portray the development and appearance of a site .
7 Surplus value or profits can only be expropriated from living labour .
8 The infant can not give a receipt which executors , administrators or trustees can safely take .
9 We are now pleased to announce that this exclusion has been removed and all members who suffer from disabilities or diseases can now apply for insurance under the scheme .
10 The threat of or the actual stopping of supplies or services can often produce payments when all else has failed .
11 As long as he operates within the law , nobody seems to suggest that an obstetrician or other medical practitioner should provide his services free , or that receiving a fee makes either his motives or his reliability suspect ; and clinics can legally be run for profit .
12 Not only Cartesian graphs but contour plots and maps can also be effective .
13 Investors , customers and creditors can thus rest assured that these rules apply whatever the location of the business transaction in question , provided only that the companies concerned are incorporated in the EC .
14 Book loans can be made by post , users only incurring the cost of returning the material , and photocopies can usually be supplied within 24 hours for a small charge .
15 That is unremarkable since the anticipation of such problems and assessments of some of their causes and magnitudes can only be made by environmental scientists .
16 The methods used to cut stone and gems can also be indicative of age .
17 Nor have we tried to decide whether rules and reasons can only be considered in a hermeneutic framework incompatible with causal explanation .
18 In the laboratory only reactants and products can generally be obtained , yielding little information about the nature of a reaction pathway .
19 Many other traditional crafts and skills can also be found in Taunton Deane 's attractive countryside .
20 People living in towns and cities can hardly be denied their quite reasonable and legitimate desire either to reside in or to visit the countryside and without them many villages would now lie abandoned and semi — derelict .
21 The article is the sharpest challenge by a Cabinet minister to church leaders , whom Mr Patten accuses of refusing to suggest that anyone except governments and institutions can actually be bad .
22 This is likely to apply particularly to concepts , which can be understood on a number of levels , while skills are generally easier to specify as they are procedures carried out in practice and are therefore more " visible " , whereas pupils ' understanding of concepts and strategies can only be inferred from behaviour .
23 Such schemes are advertised in the press , and policies can often be bought without a visit from an agent , or a medical assessment .
24 Competitor press releases and financial statements , for example , can be easily collected by the corporate legal or communications staff ; relevant government reports and filings can probably be acquired through the legal department or by company lobbyists at the state or national level ; the investor relations staff can get security analysts ' reports ; and so on .
25 Harry always looked immaculate and unruffled , and he was one of those players upon whom the Manager , his team colleagues and supporters can always rely for a composed and controlled performance .
26 The ASB agreed that changes in shareholders ' funds other than those included in the statement of total recognised gains and losses can also be important in understanding the change in a reporting entity 's financial position , and concluded that this additional information should be required in a reconciliation of movements in shareholders ' funds .
27 Finding a suitable registered childminder is probably the only option available to most of you as even the best nursery schools and crêches can seldom offer the kind of hours you are likely to need throughout school holiday periods .
28 The efforts of educators and trainers can easily turn to demoralisation in the absence of meaningful employment opportunities .
29 Mums and Dads can just relax and enjoy the leisure facilities , including Swimming Pools , Saunas , Solariums .
30 More attention to auditory and visual needs , and the provision of appropriate aids and adaptations can also make a great difference to quality of life and confidence .
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