Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] during the " in BNC.

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1 ( 6 ) Subject to the provisions of this Article and Article 4 the Directors are unconditionally authorised for the purposes of Section 80 of the Act to allot shares and grant rights to subscribe for , or convert securities into , shares in the Company up to the nominal amount of authorised share capital with which the Company is incorporated at any time or times during the period of five years from the date of adoption of these Articles .
2 ( 6 ) Subject to the provisions of this Article and Article 4 the Directors are unconditionally authorised for the purposes of Section 80 of the Act to allot shares and grant rights to subscribe for , or convert securities into , shares in the Company up to the nominal amount of authorised share capital with which the Company is incorporated at any time or times during the period of five years from the date of adoption of these Articles .
3 A rehabilitated person is one who has been convicted of and sentenced for an offence or offences and who has not committed a further offence or offences during the appropriate rehabilitation period and that period has expired .
4 In South America , too , there were no true dogs or cats during the long period of isolation that we are discussing but , as in Australia , there were marsupial equivalents .
5 They worked out that the dots and dashes of the Morse code ( which were already being used in the telegraph system ) could be used by flashing lights at night and waving flags or arms during the day .
6 And fifteen minutes later , with all the completed questionnaires returned , there was good reason to suppose that Morse could be right , since three of those concerned , Eddie Stratton , Howard Brown , and John Ashenden , appeared temporarily unable to provide corroboration of their individual whereabouts and activities during the key period of the previous afternoon — the afternoon when the original groups , three of them , had been re-formed slightly ( following Kemp 's telephone call ) , and when anyone wishing to absent himself for some purpose would have been presented with a wonderful opportunity so to do .
7 Some northern temperate birds of prey and owls switch from rodents during the winter to insects and birds during the summer , because of the difficulty in locating the rodents in the thick summer vegetation .
8 The warden , Peter de Neville , and his foresters , bailiffs and vendors of wood were accused of having taken great quantities of timber from the king 's demesne park and woods during the preceding thirteen years , for Neville 's own use , for sale and for making lime and charcoal .
9 Medicines also contain colourants , often in very large amounts , which is why you should try to discontinue syrups and tablets during the diet ( as long as your doctor agrees ) or get colouring-free alternatives .
10 The general value of practical placements and projects during the first degree stage is becoming more widely recognized .
11 Investment in equipment and personnel during the year has placed the new inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry laboratory in a strong position to resume its former position as one of the leading exponents of the application of this powerful analytical technique to geological materials .
12 Yet , as the British returned to Menorca as holiday-makers and emigrants during the 20th century , cricket returned with them .
13 The HCIMA attended a number of company management conferences and meetings during the year to support members and raise awareness of the services available to assist managers in their jobs .
14 The methods used to achieve these aims involved both analysing data collected in the earlier projects ( 1985-87 ) , and investigations during the current project ( 1988 ) .
15 ANIMAL rights campaigner Vicki Moore was so upset by cruelty to cows and bulls during the festivities at Candelada , near Avila , Spain , that she wrote to the Prime Minister about it .
16 Walnut was used for the bodies and necks during the first few years of production but later Gibson switched to mahogany as this proved to be a more stable material , with less material wastage during the timber selection procedure .
17 Experiments with such regulations had been tried in other towns and cities during the 1980s , but had met little success .
18 Men from the SAS and Delta Force infiltrated a number of towns and cities during the war , and Saddam Hussein himself told several of his visitors that the SIS ( or M16 , as it is often called ) had sent in three Pakistani agents to attend the Islamic conference which Iraq summoned a few days before the UN deadline .
19 In 1993 the RAF will celebrate 75 years of existence as a independent armed service and doubtless this will be a major theme of air shows and events , publications and programmes during the year .
20 However , if a farmer decides to let out , in return for money , some of the rooms in the farmhouse to friends , relatives and associates during the summer months , this may not be a material change of use and planning permission is not required : Blackpool Borough Council v. Secretary of State for the Environment 11980 ] 40 P & CR 104 ( QBD ) .
21 " The European Council reached agreement on the following major issues : ( i ) the problems raised by Denmark in the light of the outcome of the Danish referendum on June 2 , 1992 , on the Maastricht Treaty ; ( ii ) guidelines to implement the subsidiarity principle and measures to increase transparency and openness in the decision-making process of the Community ; ( iii ) the financing of Community action and policies during the rest of this decade ; ( iv ) the launching of enlargement negotiations with a number of EFTA countries : and ( v ) the establishment of a plan of action by the member states and the Community to promote growth and to combat unemployment . "
22 A 200-strong mob caused hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage to cars and shops during the riot at Scotswood last September .
23 The kind of wealth which would be displayed in the garments of the Khans and Noyons during the day 's ceremonies was usually a product of oppression of the poor , but on Tarvaras there was no one whom Alexei would have cared to class as under-privileged .
24 There 's a pool surrounded by a sunterrace and a poolside bar which serves drinks and snacks during the day .
25 However , you body will lose more fat tissue and less muscle tissue if calorie intake is spread over three to five meals and snacks during the day .
26 As Gregory Henderson has observed , there were close parallels between the political strategies and tactics during the Yi dynasty and the political developments in both north and south Korea after 1945 .
27 In the same way , he might have looked at the conflicts between institutions , genres and styles during the 1890–1930 period ( for instance , between old-fashioned vaudeville and new syncopated styles ; or between the requirements of public dance and private listening ) , rather than just the more homogeneous synthesis established by the time it ended .
28 In the churchyard a massive rhododendron bush provides a vivid splash of mauve to churchgoers and passers-by during the early summer .
29 The centre , billed as Britain 's highest tourist attraction , is open only to youth groups and schools during the Winter .
30 The centre , billed as Britain 's highest tourist attraction , is open only to youth groups and schools during the winter .
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