Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] as [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He may feel anxious , depressed or moody as well as positive and excited .
2 It is important to note that these young men were not so much-pro-Japanese or anti-British as intensely Burman .
3 With no image of hunting and killing in her ‘ mind ’ , with no hunger driving her , she does not express such intentions in her actions and demeanour — and the deer pick it up instinctively at both subtle or vibrational as well as gross physically observable levels .
4 As Alan Fox , a major proponent and later critic of pluralism , has put it , ‘ The pluralist does not claim anything approaching perfection for this system … [ but the imbalances of strength between employers and unions … are not seen as so numerous or severe as generally to discredit the system either from the union 's point of view or the management 's ’ ( 1977 , p.136 ) .
5 The flow rate is adjustable , and so is the angle at which the water is pumped back into the tank — upward or downward as well as to either side .
6 Meanwhile , the Government is doing not as badly , nor Labour as well , as it can appear amid the heady enthusiasm of a conference .
7 Neil Kinnock , who like Mr Foot is an MP for a south Wales constituency and came to the leadership from the left of the party , described his mentor yesterday as unique and irreplaceable : ‘ Michael is as fit and fiery as ever .
8 This is true of patriotic and political as well as religious blind faith .
9 And all the powers … . fear the rapid rise of Japan 's war-making capacity , industrial and political as well as military .
10 These deep structural problems are cultural and political as well as economic , and will require far more than the odd adjustment to monetary or fiscal policy if we are to begin to solve them .
11 But those concerned seldom commit themselves to collective advancement on social and political issues , rarely setting themselves social and political as well as educational objectives .
12 When , after perhaps quarter of an hour , the ice was opaque and solid as ever around the sides of the refrigerator , she became impatient and tried to chip at it , first with her fingers and then , finding them painful as well as useless , with the point of a kitchen knife .
13 A beige carpet and soft green walls made the room light and spacious as well as providing a sufficiently neutral background .
14 These needs would be social and emotional as well as academic .
15 She claims : ‘ One generation of correct breathers would regenerate the race , and disease — mental and emotional as well as physical — would become a rarity . ’
16 It will give members pleasure to hear that Ann McMillan 's children 's classes received particular mention ( many of Ann 's ‘ children ’ are now in the Teens Display Team or the National Display Team ) ; her work with the triple-handicapped ( those who are blind and deaf as well as being physically handicapped ) was also specially acknowledged .
17 In the 1980S , as the communications industries multiplied and expanded , and the number of policy-actors and centres of decision ( local and regional as well as national ( proliferated , it often appeared that the right hand did not know what the left was doing .
18 It was vital that they should be prompt and professional as well as easy on the eye .
19 The Russian Girl finds him as sarcastic and caustic as ever : the day may come when he suffers fools gladly , but it is not yet in sight .
20 The Government has eagerly seized on the ‘ evidence ’ provided by the new affluent and rural as well as urban ‘ lager lout ’ folk-devils to deny any link between inner-city deprivation and crime .
21 And we must all agree with George when he states that in future the pill pedlars will not only have to show that their nostrums work , ‘ but also that they actually bring benefits in social and economic as well as in purely medical terms ’ .
22 Social and economic as well as agricultural structures are changing .
23 This meant individual and private as well as state and municipal ownership ; and in the political sphere it meant ‘ genuine popular rule — rule of the people by the people themselves ’ .
24 And his voice sounded high and strange as well .
25 There is something stoic and self-contained about Rita but something warm and friendly as well .
26 But no , his voice on the phone was as polite and friendly as ever , with not a hint that he had lost faith .
27 Holmes , enthusiastic and friendly as ever , bounded up to her with the allotted amount of lead a fraction longer than I anticipated .
28 Carry On Columbus — a £2.25 million quickie , which took just 30 days to make and , Carry On fans will be delighted to learn , is as cheeky and irreverent as ever .
29 She could see the Beastline overlords who had sat with the Wolfkings at Tara ; proud and noble and dignified , and just very slightly cruel , but charming and strong as well , and utterly loyal to the High King .
30 He was as dark and interesting as ever but he was missing a certain exuberance .
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