Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] that it " in BNC.

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1 Aid has created such artificial divisions within what should be normal national programmes of health care or agriculture that it now obstructs the development of such programmes on a country-wide basis .
2 It is only when the frequency and magnitude of each behaviour is sufficiently marked and sufficiently prolonged to impede the child himself in his daily life or cause distress to his family or community that it can be defined as disorder ( Rutter et al. , 1970 ) .
3 It will be the concern of the court of the state to which the child is to be returned to minimise or eliminate this harm and , in the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary or evidence that it is beyond the powers of those courts in the circumstances of the case , the courts of this country should assume that this will be done .
4 It is no coincidence or mistake that it was the Conservative party that applied to take Britain into the Community , and which took Britain in .
5 The doctors could offer no cure or assurance that it would not get worse .
6 In devising titles , avoid over-florid forms , however , as well as epigraphs ( i.e. quotations placed between the title and the main body of text ) , since these can make the essay appear to aspire to a grandeur or scale that it can not in the circumstances fulfil .
7 Lardie was the last fluent speaker of the Kalkadoon language , a language of such versatility and ingenuity that it stands as a monument to human intellectual development .
8 The state of English teaching in schools had obviously , by the late 1980s , become a cause of such radical complaint and discontent that it was not surprising to find a committee of inquiry set up to look into its proper aims and methods ( The Kingham Committee , 1987 ) .
9 Around me , as the pirates and Famlio stared at Gharr , the atmosphere grew so much charged with fury and tension that it almost crackled , like a defective energy field .
10 Although I am always prepared to enter discussions with the hon. Gentleman about hypothetical matters , one must also balance the amount of time and expense that it would take to comment on something that is not a reality .
11 It is so small and mobile that it could easily be hidden , and it can carry nuclear or conventional warheads .
12 Much work has centred on activities that are criminal , by contemporary definitions , but are hidden and undetected — one of the greatest benefits of power being the privacy and impunity that it seems to guarantee ( see Geis and Stotland , 1980 ) .
13 Although the technology was not microprocessor-based , and the events are now thirty years past , the study 's theoretical approach and empirical findings are of such interest and relevance that it is worth describing them in some detail .
14 My own reaction , as the latest sickening episode even exceeds in depravity and licentiousness the grossness of the last one , is that I no longer wish to be associated with a UK Government which is so lacking in moral leadership , compassion , wisdom and humanity that it can allow such a situation to continue to exist , while having the capacity to intervene .
15 We heard stories of such sadness and desolation that it was difficult not to be moved to tears .
16 Christie 's cover lot also failed to sell : Lord Leighton 's ‘ Moorish Garden : a Dream of Granada ’ was left unsold at £340,000 ( estimate £400–600,000 ) ; questions concerning its condition ( what would happen were the wax lining to be removed ? ) and opinion that it was a work not from his most marketable period seem to have dampened enthusiasm .
17 You 've got to devote a lot of time to the care and attention that it requires .
18 Thus , we would have to fall back on the anthropic principle to explain why the electron has the mass and charge that it does .
19 His lyrics are abysmal tosh , his singing voice so stunted , adenoidal and gumby that it takes a real effort of will to remember that this is n't a joke , that this man is actually worshipped as a rock god by literally millions of depressed , terminally adolescent would-be heroin addicts worldwide .
20 In fact , however , the Council 's composition was not random , as two kinds of evidence show : evidence for the high social class of individual members , and evidence that it was possible to get on to the Council in a given year if you wanted to .
21 The fundamental review of the whole penal system for which , in the Government 's view , the time is now ripe is of such importance and magnitude that it needs to be carried out by a Royal Commission .
22 It does not follow from the conception of an event in terms of interdependent subject and content that it is physical in the sense defined .
23 Among a series of films designed to cash in on the success of Hitchcock 's Psycho ( 1960 ) , for example , was Seth Holt 's The Nanny ( 1965 ) , made with the visual flair of his earlier Hammer picture , Taste of Fear ( 1961 ) , and telling the powerful tale of two sisters , both dependent in their own way on the woman who brought them up , who pay no attention to the declarations of their son and nephew that it was nanny who killed his sister and now wants to kill him .
24 Paul had given public undertakings on national radio and television that it would .
25 I do n't consider it is wrong in this day and age that it is wrong to try to uplift and give to our retired people , every decent condition that is going in order to enable them to live their , the way they are entitled to do .
26 In the context of geomorphology Clayton ( 1971 ) , himself a geographer progressed to environmental sciences at the University of East Anglia , has argued that it is difficult to achieve a balanced development across the two subjects of geography and geology that it depends upon , and Worsley ( 1979 ) particularly concerned for the diminishing resources available and the imminent policy of selective resource concentration argued :
27 Word processing can be such a liberation from what most young people would call the drudgery of pen and paper that it is as bad to ban it as to ban calculators .
28 If teachers in substantial numbers are not going to be ready , willing and able to speak their minds , complete with all their doubts and uncertainties , who else is going to give the debate the greater depth and breadth that it so urgently needs ?
29 In Spain this was particularly serious since the age of major railway building in the mid-nineteenth century preceded industrialization and the massive shifts in population and traffic that it was to bring , especially from the 1940s .
30 Note that the amber light shall convey the prohibition that vehicular traffic shall not proceed beyond the stop line etc. , except in the case of any vehicle which , when the amber light is first shown , is so close to the said line and signal that it can not safely be stopped before passing the line or signal .
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