Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [vb mod] give " in BNC.

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1 I take this to mean that there is an equality , a reciprocity between the aesthetic and the political such that an aesthetic dimension or response can give the lie to a political claim .
2 If persistently large current account imbalances arose , the antici-pation of devaluation or revaluation would give rise to speculative short-term capital flows in the same direction , putting added pressure on the exchange rate in question .
3 An undergravel heating hose or cable will give a slow circulation in the substrate , unlike a heating mat .
4 The emission of hydrothermal solutions , steam and other gases without significant quantities of fragmental material or lava can give rise to minor landforms .
5 Offers of help or sponsorship would give new life to a very forlorn Lancaster — contact Bernie via the FlyPast office .
6 If the phial is not rinsed properly after testing , remnants of the reagent or tablet may give a false reading the next time the test kit is used .
7 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who undertakes the design or manufacture of any article for use at work to carry out or arrange for the carrying out of any necessary research with a view to the discovery and , so far as is reasonably practicable , the elimination or minimisation of any risks to health or safety to which the design or article may give rise . ’
8 Examples of the finest artwork of a particular moment in time or place can give a false impression since they exclude reference to those living on a different level of existence .
9 Richard Dorment of the Daily Telegraph said : ‘ What a pity a dealer did not take him aside and tell him the work he proposed to exhibit was unexhibitable … a visual boredom so total that no amount of metaphor or allusion can give it the kiss of life ’ .
10 The author 's intentions are probably the most reliable guide , and examination of a book 's preface or foreword can give an indication of these .
11 The statement of individual educational need in the case of a child with severe limitation or blindness should give an indication of levels of indoor and outdoor mobility and whether individual mobility instruction will be needed in order to cope with the ordinary school environment .
12 Sometimes a single son or daughter will give up their own home to come back and care for parents .
13 Opening a window or door will give temporary relief , but for a permanent solution you will need to fit air vents in an outside wall , or either side of the hearth if the floor is timber .
14 ‘ Th 'd better watch th'words , Jack , or th'missus 'll give thee a trouncing ! ’
15 An account written by someone participating in some event or controversy may give a far more partial view than the carefully researched , balanced interpretation of a later historian who has sifted and weighed up all available evidence .
16 This was so in Bedfordshire , for example : in 1952 the District Council carried a motion deploring ‘ the withdrawal of the services of a full-time officer of the WEA from Bedfordshire when so large a proportion of branches in the area are so recently formed and still in need of assistance and encouragement that only a full-time organiser or tutor-organiser can give ’ .
17 They should become purchasing bodies , buying services from whatever hospital or unit could give the best deal .
18 It recommended that the curriculum should emphasise free creation and co-operative inventiveness rather than passive assimilation , and that the study of history , geography and literature should give a central place to Wales .
19 That capital and experience would give Lloyd 's a bigger , global strength , as it became dominated by fewer , larger groups .
20 Analysis of the structure of a church by reference to the architectural styles and fabric will give us some idea of how the building has developed .
21 Here we can just note that limitations of expression and vocabulary can give the impression of naivety , just as sophistication in language can hide naivety in thought .
22 Movement , scent and sound can give you away when you 're heading in for a close up shot .
23 Close monitoring and forecasting could give important early indications of cash flow problems , with time to take corrective action .
24 The late afternoon and evening will give you time to stroll along the South Rim and absorb the magnificence of the plunging gorges , multi-coloured rock formations and the winding Colorado River .
25 And even before the War , though Hewlett in correspondence with Harold Monro and Newbolt could give and take hard knocks by way of semi-technical criticism , yet it is enveloped and emasculated by similarly anxious camaraderie .
26 An average exposure and development would give a high contrast negative which would need manipulation at the printing stage to show shadow and highlight detail in the finished print .
27 A group of students from the school where Joanna used to teach thought the reward and publicity could give the murder inquiry new impetus .
28 A systematic search for the pair of NTPs that led to the formation of stable initiated complexes ( to be shown and discussed below ) indicated that only the simultaneous presence of GTP and UTP could give rise to stable complexes , indicating that these were the first two NTPs incorporated at both promoters .
29 Fun , magic , music and mime will give you a breather before digging out your dancing shoes to round off the evening with a turn on the nightclub floor !
30 For a touch of real extravagance , a swag and tail would give a rich and sumptuous finish to curtains in an elegant , formal setting .
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