Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [coord] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Parties faced with an expert 's decision or an arbitration award will need to know how the decision or award may be enforced , whether they can appeal against the decision or award and whether they can sue the expert or arbitrator .
2 Important : Skin brushing is safe for everybody , except for those suffering from skin disorders such as eczema or psoriasis or if there is infected or broken skin .
3 However , if your usual diet incorporated oats , barley or rye or if you would like to experiment , you can include foods containing these this week .
4 The professors went on : ‘ We are speaking not as members of this or that nation , continent or creed but as human beings , members of the species Man whose continued existence is in doubt … a biological species which has had a remarkable history and whose disappearance none of us can desire . ’
5 A limited example of this is the recognition that whether a text is published in quarto or folio or whether it circulates as a manuscript will help to create the conditions in which the text 's meaning is understood within a given culture at a particular historical instant .
6 5.11.1 every application made by the Tenant for a consent or licence required by the provisions of this Lease whether such consent or licence is granted or refused or proffered subject to any [ lawful ] qualification or condition or whether the application is withdrawn [ unless such refusal qualification or condition is unlawful whether because it is unreasonable or otherwise ]
7 5.11.1 every application made by the Tenant for consent or licence required by the provisions of this Lease whether such consent or licence is granted or refused or proffered subject to any lawful qualification or condition or whether the application is withdrawn unless such refusal qualification or condition is unlawful whether because it is unreasonable or otherwise and unless such consent or licence is unreasonably refused
8 If you have any continuing illness or condition or if you are registered as a disabled person you should make an early appointment with one of the doctors .
9 Now we 've just said there needs to be some level somewhere if you 're right down this end of the curve here you 're either asleep or dead so there 's some peak performance at some level of anxiety or arousal and as the anxiety increases the performance drops off .
10 ‘ without going into further detail I respectfully suggest that it is on any view wrong to introduce into this branch of the criminal law questions whether particular contracts are void or voidable on the ground of mistake or fraud or whether any mistake is sufficiently fundamental to vitiate a contract .
11 I respectfully suggest that it is on any view wrong to introduce into this branch of the criminal law questions whether particular contracts are void or voidable on the ground of mistake or fraud or whether any mistake is sufficiently fundamental to vitiate a contract .
12 This will be the case where they are brought under common control or ownership or when one of the enterprises ceases to be carried on as a result of an agreement between the enterprises to prevent competition .
13 ( 2 ) The difficulty arises where there is some evidence but it is of a tenuous character , for example because of inherent weakness or vagueness or because it is inconsistent with other evidence .
14 If the matrimonial home is already subject to a mortgage then the requirements of the mortgagees will have to be ascertained prior to a conveyance or transfer and if , although the house is to remain in joint names , liability for the mortgage payments is to be assumed by one party , an indemnity to the other party will have to be included in the declaration of trust ( see Precedent 54 ) .
15 If you have paid for , or returned , any items it would be helpful if you could give some indication of the date of payment or return and whether a cheque was used .
16 It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the elements of thermodynamics , statistical mechanics and elasticity to the level of an honours degree in physics or chemistry but since continuum mechanics and viscoelasticity are not commonly found in such courses a detailed account of them is give in Chaps 2 and 3 , Chap .
17 Mr Sedley said the court would have to decide if the damage to property under the Act included contamination by nuclear matter or waste or if it was limited to ‘ injury ’ to the fabric .
18 You used to have to take a er a erm your own cup and erm that was for your for for whatever we had we I do n't know I remember we had lemonade or pop or whether it was tea or we had er we had to take a cup , and er most of us invariably took a a big handkerchief with us .
19 There is no enjoyment in climbing Whernside in mist or rain but if overtaken by bad weather , a perfect lifeline to safety is provided by a five-mile ridge wall that leads infallibly back to the environs of Ingleton .
20 Once arrested , a youth , for instance , is more likely to be defined as a juvenile delinquent if his manner is interpreted as aggressive and uncooperative , if his appearance is seen as unconventional or slovenly , if his speech is defined as ungrammatical or slang and if his posture gives the impression of disrespect for authority or arrogance .
21 It had bedding but no food or water and when Mr Summers supplied water it drank without stopping for almost five minutes .
22 Does the course lead to a certificate of completion or competence and if so , what value would such a certificate have on the job market ?
23 Recognise that addictive diseases affects different people in different ways and it is very variable in its intensity but that all share the denial of believing that they are not addicted : the crucial test of addiction is not whether one can stop the use of an addictive substance or behaviour but whether one can happily stay off and not be drawn back to it or to something equally addictive .
24 Kersey looked at Wycliffe , expecting some question or comment and when none came he went on : ‘ So where did he spend his time after lunch each Sunday ? ’
25 I 'm not a very orthodox kind of counsellor or psychiatrist but if there 's anything within my power that I can do to help you , then I 'll do it .
26 The successful farmer ( Luke 12 ) who is eager to expand his business is censored by our Lord not because of his wealth or success but because of his exclusive concern with himself , his own happiness and his wealth .
27 Melamine boards are n't as durable as wood or polythene and as they wear , they can absorb bacteria .
28 A more sophisticated form of level two is the coalition , where partners work together for some common purpose but do not have an identity of interest or concern and where one or other of the partners may withdraw leaving the other partner(s) to continue .
29 It often refers to any individual member organization irrespective of its actual name , i.e. whether it is an association or federation or whether it stands for Planned Parenthood , Family Well-being , Responsible Parenthood , Protection of the Family or Family Health , etc .
30 It is one of the advantages of this balance lift , that an increase of rise is relatively immaterial both as to the time required to make the ascent or descent and as to the cost of the parts .
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