Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [noun prp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Pembroke or south-west Ireland the chief physical features are the drowned valleys or rias , which are so dominant as to cause the shoreline to be classed immediately as one of submergence .
2 This method of analysis works on the assumption that demand patterns in country or region B will follow demand patterns that have already been experienced in country or region A. The demand in country A can therefore be used to predict how demand will change in country B.
3 Water soluble vitamins are the range of B vitamins ( B1 , B2 , B3 , B5 , B6 , B12 ) and vitamin C. The B vitamins are found in the staple foods ( wholemeal bread , brown rice , pulses , oat bran , nuts , grains ) and meat , fish , eggs , milk , poultry , green vegetables , bananas and cheese .
4 In Central and South America the parallel " army ants " are very similar to driver ants in habit and appearance .
5 North Yorkshire and South Durham THE proven consistency over recent seasons of Redcar , Darlington and Guisborough make it impossible to look elsewhere for this season 's champions .
6 In Italy , Austria and south Germany the baroque style went wild , but in England it was short-lived and remained terrifically reserved and in character with the nobility and gentry who were to live with it .
7 Nottingham 's survival hopes depend on winning at Orrell on April 25 — and doing Northampton a favour in the process .
8 He was soon running errands for half a crown a day , sleeping on a board over the bath and doing Musgrave a favour by playing the toyboy to his wife .
9 The aetiology of liver failure was assessed by clinical history , and by serologic markers of hepatitis B , hepatitis delta , and hepatitis A. The possibility of Wilson 's disease presenting as fulminant hepatic failure was investigated in all patients by measuring plasma and urine copper and plasma ceruloplasmin concentrations .
10 consider how expensive those houses are in Rectory Park and Rectory Dean the roads are just shockers .
11 In India , Pakistan and East Africa the elders of a family ( in-laws , husbands , older cousins , uncles and aunts ) did have real power .
12 For example , a manufacturer of bathroom and kitchen taps might wish to assess the potential market for taps in country A and country B. The income per capita in country A might be three times the income per capita in country B , and so the manufacturer might assess the potential market for taps to be three times as large in country A as in country B. However , the inhabitants of country B might live in larger houses than people in country A , and the country B houses might have an average 1 ½ times more bathrooms/kitchens .
13 In four states Democratic incumbents were re-elected , while in Delaware , Missouri , and North Carolina the party wrested control of the governorships from the Republicans .
14 Such human resources were soon to be available elsewhere — notably in Japan — but for some decades they guaranteed to Europe and North America a monopoly of technical invention and discovery .
15 The market for recycling carpets is potentially huge : millions of tons of carpets are dumped in Europe and North America every year .
16 In South America , the UNHCR recorded 1,200,000 people as refugees , while in Europe and North America the number of those seeking asylum rose from 22,320 in 1986 to 1,687,200 at the end of 1990 .
17 The average size of herds was in the 63–70 cow range with Leicestershire having the highest cow numbers and North Wales the lowest .
18 Another family to boast a continuing literary tradition was that of the late-sixth-century patrician , Dynamius , who numbered Venantius Fortunatus , the greatest poet of the period , and pope Gregory the Great among his correspondents .
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