Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] she [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For Silvia 's studies , and for her passing her exams .
2 Such a summer now stared her in the face , for she had , through indecision , failed to fix herself up any foreign excursions ; she looked towards it and towards her approaching examinations , and felt sadly weak .
3 The fertile biochemistry of forests constantly racked and renewed by volcanic eruption — which once prevailed throughout the cooling surface of the globe — still continues in Indonesia , and amongst her trembling islands we find time-capsules of our earliest beginnings , when dragons stalked the earth .
4 The strains of a two-week court ordeal showed in her face and in her shaking hands but when she spoke of her determination to fight on her voice was steady .
5 The sun had sunk , and without her noticing , Caroline suddenly realised , darkness had fallen .
6 The reality is of course very different , and although more initiatives are being introduced , much at present depends on the individual nurse 's attitude towards continuing her education , and on her initiating the process for herself .
7 In any event , if luck was on her side , and by her reckoning it was high time luck paid her a visit , the garage might well have delivered her car to her hotel by now — or at least have telephoned to say that it was ready for collection .
8 She is probably a price-conscious shopper ( nearly everyone claims to be these days ) , but in her shopping this may be reflected in a reliance on branded goods bought at Asda , or private label from the Co-op .
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