Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [Wh det] his " in BNC.

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1 Is it an affirmation of what his junior energy Minister says : that it will be acceptable for the Scottish Office to be staffed by Members from constituencies south of the border , or of what his Foreign Secretary and Secretary of State for Scotland have said in the past 24 hours : that nothing will happen , or is he considering the possibility of affording the Scottish people the right to determine their own future in a democratic fashion ?
2 I recalled Nigel 's telling me that he got tired of signing his name , which was a long one , on forms required by local government each week and for which his office was responsible , and started signing Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler and other such notable figures of history .
3 The House should be grateful to him and for what his Committee does in examining statutory instruments .
4 And although I believe he was referring to a certain kind of abstract thinking — the kind that reduced the English Hegelian tradition to a lyrical hymn to the Absolute , and of which his own thesis on Bradley of 1916 came very near to imitating ( which is why he declared , on its publication in 1963 , that he did not pretend to understand it ) , he possessed an outstanding capacity for reasoned argument .
5 Tyndale 's main problem for the rest of his life was to find a base on the Continent where there was a printing press , where its use by him would be tolerated by the authorities , and from which his translations and publications could be sent to England , either through sales at the great annual book fair at Frankfurt or by river and sea , hidden among the goods of friendly merchants .
6 There was one long controversy , however , in which Tyndale was on the defensive and in which his language , though strong , was considerably less rude than that of his opponent .
7 The requirements upon issue are : ( 1 ) filing by the applicant of the originating application ( N312 ) , a copy of each named respondent and two further copies ; ( 2 ) an affidavit in support with the same number of copies for service ; the affidavit should state : ( a ) the applicant 's interest in the land ; ( b ) the circumstances in which the land has been occupied without licence or consent and in which his claim to possession arises ; and ( c ) if it be that the name of any person occupying the land is not stated in the originating application , that the applicant does not know the name of such person .
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