Example sentences of "[noun prp] might [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 Dr Tariq , frail and looking as though the gentle zephyr that came in off the Tigris might flatten him , could muster a savage temper when attacked .
2 Now he looked over at Cameron , taking stock of the quizzical lift of his right eyebrow when he looked out below his black fringe , the down-turn of his mouth under his long curved nose , and began to recapitulate his argument with care , uncomfortably aware that Angus might think he was trying not to sound drunk .
3 If that was Zeno 's move too , Pascoe might intercept him ; if not , it would bottle him up in the boatyard .
4 If he were very lucky , he would also get a bonus : Coleby might provide him with evidence of murder .
5 He was shrewd enough to know that to be too greedy with Jared Tunstall might lose him everything .
6 All the same , it took a rather special sense of self to turn down an England trial at the age of 19 on the grounds that Scotland might want him instead .
7 Fenton Marshall might think he knew everything about women in general .
8 Ted might decide he does n't like me any more , that I laugh too loudly or drink too much of his beer , and then we 'd have to get a tent .
9 There is a further clause in the 1950 law that permitted Manor to confirm that a man or woman was not an absentee if that person left his place of residence ‘ for fear that the enemies of Israel might cause him harm or otherwise than by reason or for fear of military operations , .
10 He is constantly haunted by the fear that the US might abandon him for one reason or another and has been particularly uneasy over the new US administration 's attitude towards him . "
11 He thought Morrissey might think he looked too weird .
12 Soon , Freddy was asking if Mr Schwartz might buy him a suit .
13 ‘ In any case , Boli might think he is tough but we play against real hard men every week in the Scottish Premier League .
14 I did n't say he would but Cath might want him to .
15 At least , one hears of it occasionally , ’ he added hastily , afraid that Ianthe might misunderstand him .
16 Poland might fight him to a standstill on her own .
17 Whittam Smith might feel he could achieve profits faster in a three-cornered race .
18 Vietnam might do him good .
19 Two niggling reservations lingered about Pinza as a Derby horse : his physique — a big horse , he might not be nimble enough down Tattenham Hill — and his temperament , for he was so highly strung that he was invariably ridden by a stable lad when led around the paddock , and the drawn-out preliminaries of the Derby might cause him to boil over .
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