Example sentences of "[noun prp] just [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The opera was called ‘ sister Chiang ’ & was about a girl who was leader in the guerrilla fighting in Szechwan just before the liberation .
2 One from Bath records the restoration of a vandalized religious shrine by G. Severius Emeritus ; he probably controlled a wide area including perhaps the nearby port at Sea Mills , although the situation may be more complicated , since Bath lay close to an imperial estate , the headquarters of which were at Combe Down just outside the town .
3 Sent by Iago , coming upon Othello just after the murder , Emilia 's love and integrity cause her to denounce her husband , even at the cost of her own life .
4 Texans expecting something equally outré must have been disappointed by Desert of Roses : a treatment of the Beauty and the Beast legend set in Texas just after the American Civil War , the piece is essentially a rather sugary Broadway musical with minimalist frosting on the score .
5 Just outside the city centre , on the way up to Reid 's Hotel , turn right up Rua do Dr Pita just after the bridge .
6 My approach to Albert Spanswick led to a secret meeting at my house in Fulham just before the TUC Conference in September 1982 .
7 But , after a chilling encounter with a member of the Stasi just before the fall of the Wall ( we see it in a flashback ) , she has come running back to England , her marriage and her Christian belief in tatters .
8 De Nooijer 's work here was commissioned by Borek Sipek , who left Czechoslovakia just after the Russian invasion of 1968 and is now based , with a studio of six designers , in Amsterdam .
9 But th you 've got the Temple just down the road .
10 Poiana Brasov is a skier 's oasis in Romania just like the small glass balls that you turn upside down and watch the snow fall on the perfect setting .
11 WITH the two main floodlit tournaments in Junior Rugby just around the corner , many clubs are looking forward to the opportunity to sharpen their skills in preparation for the first batch of league matches .
12 ‘ Incidentally , was it your lot or Special Branch who were tailing Mills just before the murder ? ’
13 Meanwhile , at Stratford , the district council banned fishing on the popular 300-yard stretch of the Avon just above the swan sanctuary following complaints from nearby residents .
14 His wife , Vera , who had left Germany just before the war , was very nice .
15 It all depends on the scrap merchant , like they used to send a lot of scrap iron erm from Ipswich to Germany just before the war , well they used to send they reckon they send to Danzig
16 In Germany just after the First World War , for example , working class organisations were so far removed from both the objective interests of the class and the concern of its members that they were incapable of seizing the revolutionary opportunities open to them .
17 Spurs ' best effort in the first period was a 25-yard shot from Gray just beyond the far post , though Samways tested Rees with a low effort from the left .
18 Across the little Livre valley the vines grown on the east and south-east-facing slopes of Mont Écouvé , at a height of between 150 and 170 metres , are an extension to those of Bouzy just over the hill .
19 Our hotel in Paris was the Golden Tulip St. Honore just off the Champs Elysees on one of the beautiful wide streets of this great City what a superb location .
20 He walked his horse outside the tavern but left Godstowe just before the young woman and man were seen .
21 Whickham took the lead through Paul Nicholson just after the break , but outstanding full back Geoff Young set up Andy Burgess to score twice for West .
22 The most serious problem remaining for 5 Corps was thus that posed by the approach of the main body of Croat troops ( reported as being 200,000 in number ) , accompanied by huge numbers of Croat civilians , who were attempting to escape into Austria via Dravograd , towards the small town of Bleiburg just inside the Austrian frontier .
23 ‘ It would n't be worth dragging all the way to Spain just for the three of us , darling . ’
24 In 1940 he married Rose Paul-Schiff , a Viennese , whose family was connected with the banking firm of Warburg Schiff and came to England just before the Anschluss .
25 Doodlebugs and Rockets ( Froglets Publications , 208pp , illus , hbk , £16.95 ) by Bob Ogley highlights the rocket campaign waged over southern England just after the D-Day landings .
26 Now for the second in our series looking at life in rural England just after the Second World War .
27 Most radical opinion was outraged by the fact that Britain should be reversing its traditional hostility to Russia just at the moment when defeat by the Japanese in 1904–5 , and the revolutionary upheavals which followed , had rocked the foundations of Tsarist tyranny .
28 Police now want to talk to a number of people who were in St Giles just before the attack … they think they are vital witnesses .
29 Senior ministers knew all along that British firms were supplying arms-making machinery to Saddam Hussein just before the Gulf War , a court heard .
30 Having got across the footlights I became part of the O. U. D. S. , and was invited to their club in George Street just opposite the theatre — the New Theatre as it then was — now the Apollo .
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