Example sentences of "[noun prp] did have a " in BNC.

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1 Dame Catherine did have a lecherous look in her eyes .
2 Bevin did have a view of Europe , but it was a limited one conditioned by pragmatism and scepticism .
3 In this case I am satisfied that Booth J. did have a discretion to take into account the interests of the children .
4 But there were moments when he almost wished that what was happening between Maisie and Mr Malik did have a sexual connotation .
5 So Parr did have a Christian name .
6 Sabine Jourdain was doing most of Durance 's work , Benedict Joseph did have a motive to kill her . ’
7 Eventually Mina did have a baby — a son — and the family was jubilant .
8 However Stevens did have a point .
9 It is perfectly true that Blake did have a battery-operated radio in his cell which worked on medium and long waves only .
10 ‘ So you see , Mr Pipkin did have a real motive , ’ said Angelina excitedly .
11 It therefore seems fairly certain that Swegen did have a Slavonic consort , probably for political reasons .
12 This story seems garbled and may be nonsense , but the coincidence between King Haldanus and the Haldenne princeps regis of the Canterbury material remains ; possibly Cnut did have a relative or associate of this name , for the fact that his sister Santslaue occurs only in the Liber Vitae of New Minster Winchester indicates that his kin could have extended further than the threadbare sources reveal .
13 Sir Thomas did have a quarrel with someone in the hotel before dinner .
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