Example sentences of "[noun prp] said [that] his " in BNC.

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1 In an address to the Senate on April 19 Dole said that his visit to the Middle East had convinced him that the March 22 resolution was a mistake and that the issue of Jerusalem had to be decided by negotiation between Arabs and Israelis .
2 Thus , like Julian , the Prophet Muhammad said that his revelations seemed to come to him in two ways : some were clear and others were obscure and very difficult to understand .
3 Pöhl said that his decision had been made to give himself more time for his family and private interests and was prompted by " neither resignation nor frustration " .
4 In an address on radio and television , Ershad said that his action suspending all civil rights and imposing press censorship was necessary to " save the country from the octopus of destructive politics " .
5 The Consumer Credit Trade Association is considering the NCC proposals , but Director John Patrick FICM said that his initial thoughts were that the CCTA would not want to be involved in collecting a levy .
6 Mr Patten said that his Foxley Wood decision did not imply rejection of the concept of new settlements .
7 Robert said that his brother had shot him without warning from about ten feet , inflicting a serious thigh wound .
8 Mr Grant said that his association and its members had contributed quite a lot of money for advice over a number of years .
9 When they first arrived on the island Ralph said that his dad would come and get them , but Piggy said
10 Asked to comment , Bush said that his views of Europe 's future security were " very close " to Mitterrand 's , and denied that there was a danger of a rift between the USA and its European allies .
11 Unveiling his plans during a speech to the US Air Force Academy in Colorado , Bush said that his initiative was intended " to slow and then reverse the build-up of unnecessary and destabilizing weapons " in the Middle East .
12 Two weeks after an austerity budget to cut the public-sector deficit , France 's prime minister Edouard Balladur said that his government will borrow FFr40 billion ( $1.3 billion ) , partly to fight rising unemployment .
13 Speaking before the service , Dr Poyntz said that his sermon would be ‘ very direct ’ but added : ‘ Wrong is wrong and must always be condemned ’ .
14 Norman said that his day-dream was ‘ to walk up to any computer , plug in the card and have the terminal look and act like the one at home . ’
15 Kaunda said that his country 's experience of multiparty politics — from independence in 1964 to the prohibition of opposition parties in 1973 — had been " a sad one " , but predicted an optimistic future for Zambian democracy and announced that he was looking forward to " a good fight " in elections scheduled for October 1992 .
16 Their press conference at the Balmoral Hotel began with an impromptu showing of a video prepared by the Welsh Institute of Sport which manager Robert Norster said that his charges enjoyed to watch as relaxation ‘ over and above the analytical stuff ! ’
17 Mr Jones said that his party and constituents would miss a ‘ hard working and deeply caring Member of Parliament ’ .
18 President Bani Sadr of Iran said that his country was unwilling to respond , with the inevitable consequence that Iraq simply went ahead unilaterally and then cut the experiment short .
19 Fiji Prime Minister Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara said that his colleagues wanted to send a delegation to New Caledonia each year to monitor implementation of the Matignon Accord ( the 1988 pact which ended fighting between French settlers and pro-independence indigenous Kanaks by promising a 10-year process leading to a referendum on self-determination — see pp. 36348-49 ) , but the proposal was rejected by the French government .
20 His solicitor Conrad Seward said that his client would be pleading not guilty to the charge , one he vigorously denied .
21 Compton said that his victory was important for the continuation of the process of political union with the three other members of the Windward Islands group — Dominica , Grenada , and St Vincent and the Grenadines .
22 I particularly liked the arts sections and noted that a caption under a picture of Salman Rushdie said that his new book The Satanic Verses had been badly received in many Moslem communities .
23 Herbert said that his influence was n't that strong .
24 In a press statement , Merbah said that his new party " draws its framework from Islam " , the " consecration of the Algerian personality " and " the need to build a democratic state " .
25 De Rossa said that his breakaway group would form a new democratic socialist party .
26 In a final burst of bad temper , Mr Fang said that his time had been wasted .
27 The right-wing Conservative Party ( CP ) accused the National Party of political surrender , and CP leader Andries Treurnicht said that his party was now alone in parliament in fighting for the self-determination and liberty of whites .
28 However , there were reports of fresh supplies of Chinese arms being made to the Khmers Rouges — possibly under old agreements — and Hun Sen said that his government did not believe China 's statement .
29 Mr Parry said that his client had respect for society but felt that society had no respect for him .
30 Mr Parry said that his client had been unemployed for 13 years , unbelievably he had been sent on a computer course to Wrexham , and he could not even switch the computer on .
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