Example sentences of "[noun prp] do n't [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But Saturday mornings we usually drop Heidi do n't we ?
2 See them every Friday do n't we ?
3 You should have asked , you mean by Friday do n't you ?
4 Yes , they all know him , you all know Johnny do n't you ?
5 Oh you want a light on Alan do n't you ?
6 Well they barkening in in Aberdeen do n't they ?
7 And you go from Portugal up the river and into Spain do n't you .
8 I 'll have to negotiate with Frank do n't I ?
9 You want me to see if I can find Mick do n't you ?
10 Reggie do n't you think I 'm fat enough ?
11 I know you work at Crown Hills do n't you ?
12 And that other big house , opposite the end of Ashenhill Lane do n't you remember ?
13 But I wan na do what the Three Miners do in Lancaster do n't they ?
14 you know we 're going on a surprise er trip to Scarborough do n't you ?
15 He 's tries to look like Michael Jackson do n't he ?
16 He would do a lot of Ca , canning if they 're in Canada do n't they ?
17 that was the second summer I 'd been there when you used to come down , do n't you be silly , cos he said to me , you remember Roy do n't you and I said yeah , and he use to er , like if he used to come back without me ,
18 You mean to say er i , they 'd only lived in Bournemouth do n't you ?
19 see some places you see go from Friday to Monday do n't they ?
20 I think they do at Skegness do n't they ?
21 You know our Wayne do n't ya ?
22 it closes in October do n't it ?
23 They look like Bahamas do n't they ? been so hot today if you do n't mi er and it makes you feel you know your age , when er it 's this hot weather .
24 I should n't think , she hates Mrs do n't she ?
25 and we were saying about her mum , Mrs do n't you knacker them B guns !
26 You need one of those big box like Lee do n't you ?
27 Bonnie do n't you think we should get a few more people to go to .
28 Remember Philip do n't you ?
29 yeah , you know I was gon na go to judo on Wednesday do n't I ?
30 Christ do n't you do that to me , and I mean ever .
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