Example sentences of "[noun prp] can [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 Even though Gundovald can never have said some of the things which Gregory attributes to him , the bishop of Tours must have had some reason for putting the words into his mouth .
2 Granted this set of policies , Aëtius can scarcely have been well placed to gather the confederacy which kept Attila in check at the Catalaunian Plains .
3 Jeff can only have three or four .
4 George was generous and conciliatory to an extent that Coleridge can hardly have expected .
5 John Poole was a man of high Tory opinions , and the motive for introducing him to Coleridge and Southey can only have been mischievous .
6 But descriptions do no justice to a design in which the vision of St John on Patmos can rarely have been so imaginatively conceived .
7 Yet , said Mr. Watkinson , Lord Bridge can hardly have had it in mind that the private law right which he plainly regarded as coming into existence when the duty laid down in section 65(2) arose could give rise to a public law duty as to the manner in which the private law right was to be satisfied .
8 The entry into Jerusalem can only have been made with the calculated design of identifying himself , very specifically in the eyes of the populace , with the expected Messiah — in other words , with the rightful king , the ‘ anointed one ’ .
9 Poor Brian can never have the holiday he wants .
10 There were , however , significant differences between the two divisions : for a start , in 511 the Franks did not control Burgundy , and what lands they held in Aquitaine can hardly have seemed secure with Clovis dead and the Ostrogothic king Theodoric intent on restoring the power of the Visigoths .
11 She recovered — though the royal nursery in Linlithgow can hardly have been a peaceful place , with its occupant combining convalescence with the more normal infant problem of teething ; but she was entirely well by the time Sadler saw her again , in early August .
12 I do n't suppose Mehra can possibly have had time to knock out some SF on the side , but I am deeply curious to know which great scientist lurks behind the mask of ‘ Robert Anton Wilson ’ .
13 Sometimes , too , the return of even a class player such as Sean Lineen can actually have an inhibiting effect for there was an unmistakable tendency either to channel everything through the Scotland centre or else turn the ball back inside .
14 Described as " quiet , genteel and beautiful — a real aristocrat " Maria can only have compounded her family 's displeasure when she eloped with a volatile Irish sheep shearer .
15 The enlargement of the EEC to include Sweden , Finland , Austria and Switzerland can only have the effect of lowering the common denominator still further , and of weakening the position of those states which still have national interests to pursue in the world .
16 The elder Burnett can scarcely have been pleased to welcome the two wandering Pantisocrats .
17 There , there not a teaspoon , one for me and Clare can only have one .
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