Example sentences of "[noun prp] would [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 On the swings and roundabouts of crew changes , Grant Dalton , skipper of the New Zealand ketch Fisher & Paykel , issued a denial that Britain 's Chris Law would be joining the crew , while Lawrie Smith , skipper of Rothmans , said that on 20 October he would announce that David Powys would boost the crew to 14 , plus one or two others .
2 Then Liam and Nellie would take the bus to Belfast , then the train to Dublin , where they would stay overnight at the Gresham Hotel .
3 Oh , he could stand on his dignity , but Corbett would inform the King and the Prince would have to answer eventually .
4 An experienced central defender remains one of Kenny Dalglish 's priorities , and Walker would fit the bill more than adequately if the Rovers boss felt the need to reinforce his side 's challenge for Championship honours .
5 Bush told the General Assembly that an Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait would open the way " for Iraq and Kuwait to settle their differences permanently , for the Gulf states to build new arrangements for stability , and for all the states and peoples of the region to settle the conflict that divides the Arabs from Israel " .
6 Within hours of this US response , which Iraq 's ruling Revolution Command Council denounced as " disgraceful " , the Soviet Union tried to rescue its peace initiative by announcing that Aziz ( who was still in Moscow ) had agreed to a revised six-point peace plan whereby ( i ) Iraq would agree to comply with Resolution 660 ; ( ii ) withdrawal from Kuwait would begin the day after a ceasefire ; ( iii ) the withdrawal would be completed within 21 days , including withdrawal from Kuwait City within four days ; ( iv ) once the withdrawal had been completed all relevant UN Security Council resolutions would lapse ; ( v ) all prisoners of war would be released three days after a ceasefire ; and ( vi ) monitoring of the ceasefire would be carried out by observers or peacekeeping forces as determined by the UN Security Council .
7 An Iraq permitted to swallow Kuwait would have the economic and military power , as well as the arrogance , to intimidate and coerce its neighbours — neighbours who control the lion 's share of the world 's remaining oil reserves .
8 The Western banks regarded Romania as a good risk : cynically , they judged that Ceauşescu would keep the lid on the pot in Romania in a way that Gierek had manifestly failed to do in Poland .
9 This is still clearer with the development agencies , not only at the regional ( or ‘ national , ) level where Cawson would find the corporatist label acceptable , but also at local level , particularly through agencies such as GEAR .
10 Sam Nujoma , President of Namibia , which became a Commonwealth member at independence in March 1990 , said that he hoped that Mandela would attend the next CHOGM , in 1993 , " as head of state of a non-racial , democratic South Africa " .
11 ‘ I thought David would see the sign .
12 UNTAC would administer the country until the election of a Legislative Assembly and the formation of a government .
13 And once that happened , Ireland was lost to him , for although he supposed Taliesin and Fael-Inis would continue the fight , he would never know its outcome .
14 Dana would laugh and say she had been teasing , and they would talk about the big show for charity where Dana would model the wedding gown Claudia had designed .
15 Mr Beltrami would tell the jury that on several occasions during the past four years McGuinness had spoken to him in detail about his part in the Ayr murder ; and as he has a commanding presence and deep , authoritative voice , his evidence would have gone far to confirm in the minds of the jury what they had already heard from Mrs McGuinness .
16 The understanding of the United States in drafting the Protocol was that while the United States would ratify the Convention as well as the Protocol , ratification of the latter alone not being permitted , this would create treaty obligations binding upon the United States only with other states which had ratified the Protocol and in accordance with its terms .
17 Inevitably signatories of the Convention must now deny any such intention , although when the provisions on transit rights were negotiated it was assumed ( or at least hoped ) that the United States would ratify the Convention .
18 Food would become the weapon with which the United States would counter the Arab world 's use of an oil embargo in its fight against Israel .
19 Yeovil are £700,000 in debt , and a visit from Arsenal would ease the club 's financial burden .
20 And of course , from my own professional viewpoint , it is clear that even after a break of so many years , Miss Kenton would prove the perfect solution to the problem at present besetting us at Darlington Hall .
21 There seemed little left in the match except the question of whether Wright would get the 36 runs he needed for 5000 in Tests , in what was rumoured to be his last appearance .
22 Suddenly she wondered if straight Lucy would mind the smoke ?
23 Carole Ann would provide the same services for Alistair Nairn and Tom Ogilvie , Council Tax Managers .
24 That it was signed by a partner called Hugh Jarse would lead the wary to conclude that the CV Society was as adept at pinching stationery as at extracting money out of fun-loving freshers : after only an hour it had sold four presidencies , six other posts and had about 40 names on a list headed ‘ I 'm interested in your society but do n't want to cough up any money at the moment ’ .
25 ‘ I always thought that if Alexander died without an heir , Edward would support the house of Bruce ! ’
26 Ken would annoy the same neighbours by slamming the same van door twice a week in the same early hour .
27 ‘ It would appear that this Adamantios Andropulos , who is Hawkins 's temporary guest-I could well imagine that Admiral Hawkins would use the term ‘ guest ’ even if this unfortunate were clapped in irons in some shipboard dungeon — has an account with a Washington bank , name and address supplied , of some eighteen million dollars , and would we kindly make enquiries to see if he has been disbursing any of this of late and , if so , in what direction .
28 He thought Dustin would understand the sufferings of Ben .
29 Mr Bébéar would like the chance to engineer a similar turnaround at UNI .
30 The UN special envoy , Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Petrovsky , had paid another visit to Libya on May 10-12 [ see also p. 38883 ] , and said on May 14 that the Libyan leader Col. Moamer al Kadhafi would ask the Libyan General People 's Committee to decide on the question of the extradition of the two Libyans wanted in connection with the Lockerbie bombing — a process which Petrovsky said would take four or five weeks .
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