Example sentences of "[noun prp] she [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She took a look at this man before her and summed him up in five seconds flat : he was from the country ; he was perspiring because he was wearing his one and only suit which was too heavy for the weather ; his shoes were outrageous , huge , clod-hopping things , but at least they had been polished ; his hands were heavy , his fingers thick as sausages so he was definitely a man of the land ; despite all that , he was quite polite and well-spoken though with a strong accent that she could identify as being Scottish but from which part of Scotland she could not say ; for some reason she was quite sure he was a liar .
2 Unlike his predecessor , he has told Mrs Rees she can not allow her toys to be sold .
3 Although the female may be mated in July she will not give birth until the following May after a gestation period of almost 300 days .
4 The very brief account she gave now was selective — it referred to Anna but not to Anna 's story ; Rome was a place of origin ; there was no mention of a Mena or a Mr James ( Simon she could not entirely subdue ) , the prince was a bare name .
5 Ses she ca n't pay yet but it 'll be on its way .
6 If she had told him then , or even when the man had reappeared in her life at Helmsley she would now be on firmer ground .
7 Erm we had gone down to , to , to Bognor to the christening of her , our nephew and she was n't too , th that was in November , it was sort of middle of November , and something was going wrong there and so when I , when I was retiring on the twenty seventh of November she could n't come in and er
8 It was certainly better than the sandwich and a can of beer that she 'd expected ; if this had been the late and unlamented Eddie she 'd probably have been faced with a walk to the nearest carry-out to find that he 'd finished off the beer in her absence .
9 Well if I 'm there and I 'm a guest if she cooked for her and Martin she ca n't just ignore me !
10 She had told Tom she would not go with them today but now she wished she had .
11 We have a speaker er Patricia Routledge in her guise as Mrs Bucket or Mrs Bouquet she would not be very pleased if you were late .
12 At Bewick she would not have dreamed of sitting by a fire in idleness while her clothes were sorted and shaken and put away in drawers and cupboards , which , when opened , gave out breaths of lavender .
13 After her experience in Africa she could almost do that standing on her head .
14 Chess clubs thrive at both their schools and when Harriet tires of playing Adam she can always enjoy a game with another national champion .
15 Without the help of Daniel Marsh she would never have survived those dreadful days .
16 If she did not return to the Lodge she might never experience such terror again , but the memory of it would never leave her .
17 ‘ Surely to God she would n't go without a word to her own family ! ’
18 Kathleen had told Jack she could n't hide her love .
19 Until she met Rainald she could not think of a future , with or without fitzAlan .
20 and she 'll phone Anne she 'll most likely phone Joan and the rest of them .
21 Whatever Marguerite had been about to say she did not continue and later changed the subject with firmness that told Jenna she would not bring it up again .
22 Well Joanna she wo n't .
23 Like Angela she would not want a poor doctor , and sooner or later would tire of her play-acting and retire back to that world — he wondered why she had left it , and what she thought that she was doing here in the East End , so far from her family and friends .
24 He was a callous brute , and if she did n't need his protection on the journey to Winchester she would n't care if he bled to …
25 And , because Elise hardly ever came the heavy older sister , Leonora , with infinite regret , told Guy she could n't go .
26 If she thought I had a hand in killing Paul she would n't thank me .
27 If it were n't for Dr Penry Vaughan she might well be dead .
28 He 'd told Dotty she would n't always feel so unhappy , that one day she 'd look at him and his face would seem quite ordinary , and she 'd flown at him , pummelling his chest with her fists , sobbing that the day would never come .
29 Now she says she 's worried that once they 're back in America she 'll never get them home again .
30 It is therefore quite ironic that when she wants to influence Eunice she can not .
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