Example sentences of "[noun prp] had given [art] " in BNC.

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1 Encouraged by his enthusiasm the people of Deogarh had given every rupee and paisa they could find to raise the share capital for the co-operative .
2 He said that during his recent visit to Moscow , President Gorbachev had given a warning that the failure of East Germany 's reform process would not only destabilise the GDR but also have ‘ serious repercussions ’ for perestroika in the Soviet Union .
3 He said that during his recent visit to Moscow , President Gorbachev had given a warning that the failure of East Germany 's reform process would not only destabilise the GDR but also have ‘ serious repercussions ’ for perestroika in the Soviet Union .
4 On 7 November he was made justiciar of north Wales for life in place of Hastings to whom Warwick had given the office in the previous August .
5 On 7 November he was made justiciar of north Wales for life in place of Hastings to whom Warwick had given the office in the previous August .
6 She was telling the truth ; Dana had given no hint of where they were going .
7 By the time they were on board Turner had given the pilot the co-ordinates .
8 Cherry noted , as a most extraordinary circumstance , that Sewell had given a demonstration which actually lasted nearly 10 minutes ‘ which might be short and sweet : if it was intelligible , it was the first time ’ .
9 Major Tzann had given no sign , either physically or verbally , that he could relax .
10 In the midst of the depression and a welter of screen bullets and punches Cagney had given a new definition of realism to the movies and this was a definition that Hollywood was delighted to accept .
11 She knew at once what he meant to do , for Aunt Liti had given the girls in camp enough warnings about the local gentry .
12 But Brook had given the volunteer a passage from Peter Weiss ' play on Auschwitz , which recounted with great clarity a description of the dead .
13 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
14 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
15 And Broadman had given the foreigner some coins .
16 The USSR had given the appearance of supporting the plan of the United Nations ' negotiator .
17 Maybe what I was saying was n't so very different from what Old Mother Walsh had given the troops all those years ago .
18 Ilie Dumitrescu had given the Romanians the lead with a close-range shot in the 19th minute .
19 This was the third year running that Booker Fitch had given the award to students on the HCIMA course , and it attracted the greatest number of entries to date .
20 Yeltsin had given a dramatic description of tanks closing in and said that he believed that he had not much time left .
21 Mr Brown savaged the Budget and said Mr Lamont had given a a ‘ triple Conservative tax whammy ’ , with tax rises this year , next year and the year after that .
22 An arrow shot almost accidentally by the Bishop of Bradford had given the press an excuse to break their self-imposed conspiracy of silence and bring the whole matter into the public domain .
23 Graham Stamper and Mick Jones scored their goals in the first half , after Dean Ashton had given the home side an early lead .
24 Sandy had given the boat a hefty kick before collapsing on the beach in stitches . ’
25 In four years , Famous Players-Lasky had given the go-ahead to only one screenplay from a British writer .
26 As a member of the Secret Committee of 1857 Rostovtsev had given no indication that he might turn into a keen reformer .
27 Burnley came from behind to beat Stockport 2-1 at Edgeley Park and could thank their new signing Ron Futcher for the equaliser after Edwards had given the home side the lead .
28 It should transpire that twice a week those who cared could learn to cook ; but apparently Millie herself was to be given no choice ; she was sent , with another five girls , to the kitchen at three o'clock and , there , came under the influence of Sister Cecilia , to whom God had given a nice nature and a light pair of hands with pastry .
29 The interim parliament condemned him for acting contrary to the peace process , and for a gross violation of basic human rights ; Johnson had given an undertaking to Sawyer that he would desist from carrying out executions , after previous killings of rebels and civilians .
30 It has been shown that 10 per cent of the 400 people interviewed in Birmingham had given a lower age to gain admission to Britain , and now can not gain a pension at the proper time ( Bhalla and Blakemore , 1981 ) .
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