Example sentences of "[noun prp] had been [num] " in BNC.

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1 Agnes absorbed that and found that she believed it : Mo had been thirty years in intelligence work which trains up a determination not to know some things quite as strong as the desire to know others .
2 Mr Yanagitani had been one of Daiwa 's highest-flyers .
3 Shiona had been sixteen when Jake entered her life .
4 David had been eighteen when his mother died , after a surprisingly short illness , which Luther Reynolds had insisted was , ‘ Nothing more than a cold . ’
5 Bruno of Nordgau had been fifty-one years old when he died .
6 The report singled out three recent incidents : a demonstration in Kishinev ( the capital ) on Jan. 8 , when a funeral procession for a Moldavian youth who had died in suspicious circumstances had turned into a rally by up to 10,000 people protesting against Soviet and communist rule , and fights had ensued between rival gangs of Moldavian and Russian youths ; a picket of the district Moldavian CP committee building in the town of Chadyr Lunga by members of the Gagauz minority demanding creation of their own autonomous republic ; and a referendum on Jan. 28 called by the city soviet in Tiraspol , Moldavia 's second largest city , in which the predominantly Russian population had voted overwhelmingly ( over 96 per cent of a 92 per cent poll ) to declare greater autonomy for the Tiraspol district and to support the possible declaration of Tiraspol and neighbouring Russian-populated towns as an autonomous republic ( Tiraspol had been one of the main centres of strikes by Moldavia 's Russian and Ukrainian population in August-September 1989 against greater Moldavian language rights — see pp. 36855 ; 36898 ) .
7 On March 23 the NDPD ( which together with the CDU , the DBD and the liberal democrat precursor to the LDP had been one of the four " bloc " parties governing in coalition with the former communist regime — see p. 37025 ) joined the League of Free Democrat — the renamed LDP — to form one faction .
8 Falcone had been one of those responsible for bringing to trial 473 members of the Mafia in December 1987 [ see p. 35990 ] .
9 Until Forest reached the final , Wassall had been one of the 16 footballers vying for the title of the Football League 's quickest player in the final of the Rumbelows Sprint Challenge , to be staged immediately before the big match with Manchester United .
10 Frankie had been one of those unfortunates .
11 Puddephat had given evidence , saying Melanie Gandell had been one of his brightest students , and he had gone out of his way to encourage her academically as a result .
12 The coroner was told that blood alcohol tests after the accident showed Richard had been one and a half times over the legal drink drive limit .
13 Aunt Nessy had been one of those children who , in the days of large families , had been given away to elderly childless relatives to be brought up as a kind of maid-of-all-work and as an insurance against old age ; and what had upset her most when the parting came was having to leave her youngest sister , Beatrice , on whom she had lavished the mother-love within her — birthright of the children she was destined never to conceive .
14 Nordhausen had been one of these places .
15 Although Taiwan maintained diplomatic relations with almost 30 countries , South Korea had been one of the most important and was Taiwan 's last formal diplomatic ally in Asia .
16 England had been one of the first countries to adopt Gothic designs but was one of the last to relinquish the style which passed into a Perpendicular phase unique to the British Isles .
17 In a series of other cases from eyres where Mettingham had been one of the justices the auditors accepted his ‘ record ’ that he had not been sitting in the court when the case concerned was decided .
18 Later that evening , Simon had been one of the crowd that had ended up at their house for coffee .
19 Tatarstan had been one of the two Russian Federation constituent republics to refuse to sign the Federation Treaty in March 1992 , holding instead a referendum on self-government [ see p. 38825-26 ] .
20 The USSR had been one of the first governments to recognise the state of Israel in 1948 , but Soviet support was thereafter thrown behind the Arab cause and behind the Egyptian war effort in particular .
21 Fräulein had been two years already at The Towers .
22 Sometimes during her lucid moments , she thought that Annunziata could not have been kinder if Julia had been one of her daughters .
23 Martin had been one of the post-war most-likely-to-succeed Oxbridge brigade .
24 If she and Tom had been two men he would have been discretion itself , she thought .
25 Podkrepa had been one of the founding members of the Union of Democratic Forces ( UDF ) now in government .
26 Sister Casualty had been two years junior to Margaret in training .
27 Besides Pamela Chrimes , Nadia Nerina had been one of the company 's early members ; John had known her briefly in Johannesburg when they were both schoolchildren , and they met again in Cape Town just before she left for Britain in October 1945 .
28 Casey had been one of the most prominent Irish bishops for 23 years and was a well-known campaigner for the poor in Ireland and the Third World .
29 In Berlin , Bismarck pretended to believe that the internal instability affecting France presented a danger to the peace of Europe , remarking to the British Ambassador that : ‘ If the present Constitutional Government in France had been three years instead of three months in existence , there would be some chance for its duration and the maintenance of peace . ’
30 Sally had been two stones ( 28lb/12.5kg ) overweight for ten years following the birth of her son .
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