Example sentences of "[noun prp] had been [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When Hugo was at Balliol , Stephen Lampart had been his closest friend .
2 Appeasement did not work , because nothing short of a united Ireland had been their ‘ real ’ ambition from the start .
3 After all , Anthony had been his son too .
4 The word stirred her , and she recalled what her mother had said to her the previous day : that Cork had been her home all her life , with no suffering and no want — a safe and secure home .
5 The soybean sting in Chicago had been his .
6 Bullock had been one up after 15 holes but Davies pulled back the deficit at the 16th and held on to finish the match all square .
7 The only reason I was here was because Joyce , who was to spend the first two days at the Centre with me , had continuously reminded me on the journey that the decision to go to Bristol had been mine and mine alone .
8 If Lily had been your mother , I just ca n't imagine her ever giving you up . ’
9 Up till then Africa had been her life .
10 I wondered what I would have been like if Lili had been my mother , but it was impossible to imagine Lili in the depths of maternity .
11 Gladys had been his wife .
12 Not that the gay Oz had been his idea , or even that he had provided much input , apart from advice on the telephone .
13 Irene had been her friend .
14 A beautiful face in a photograph , a few misty memories , a haunting perfume tugging at her senses , and Paula had been whatever Harriet wanted her to be .
15 Jack had been his uncle 's heir .
16 Tim Skerritt had been his playmate .
17 The Sabra and Chatila massacres in Lebanon had been one ; the scale of brutality was ungraspable .
18 Mary Moxton had been his mum 's friend more than anyone 's , and Uncle Titch his grandad 's , and it had hit them harder than most .
19 Gullholm had been her entire world for almost a fortnight , except for the trip to the nursing home .
20 Strachan had been his usual sparkling self for much of the game but even he started to f- up .
21 Terry Rourke had been her father 's chauffeur , a handsome , black-haired Irishman , with a lively , impudent face , quite unlike Dr Neil 's .
22 Hugh Lorimer had been her solicitor for years ; he was also a family friend .
23 Walther Kaas had been his best man in the Stasi , had fulfilled everything Kragan had ever asked of him .
24 The try-out in Brighton had been something less than brilliant and Michael Bryant was not impressed by Ken .
25 Suspicion had been his watchword and perhaps Miss Labrooy 's as well .
26 Nightingale had been her father 's amah for five years , and was younger than Rachel , but was hard-working and loyal , kept the villa as clean as a new pin , and was becoming a part of the family .
27 William had been his yard foreman , caring for the horses as well as being in charge of the carmen , and yet all the years of friendship and good service had in the end counted for nothing .
28 The background was that Stanley 's first wife had died six years previously , and Joan had been her best friend .
29 Olvia had been her name .
30 Bartholomew had been their leader .
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