Example sentences of "[noun prp] with his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Duncan took some persuading — £250 and the scrap option on the VW to be exact — but agreed to meet me at Blackberry Hill with his wrecker truck ( there is n't a vehicle known to man he ca n't get hold of ) in two hours .
2 Inside the shrine wall-paintings showed the young king of Meroë with his feet resting on lines of bound prisoners ( one of them possibly a Roman legionary ) who were being subjected to the same indignity .
3 Among Merovingian monarchs it was Guntram who provided Gregory with his model of Christian kingship .
4 O'Rourke with his wife on their wedding day … before his wild soap stories
5 I was supposed to be going back to my home , but I finished up driving to Lyle Towers with his clubs and the Open trophy .
6 I just walked down and I walked in and there was Scott with his top off , Emma nearly ha Emma half naked .
7 Emma just like sprawled on her back and Scott with his back to the camera obviously just about to undo his flies and pork her .
8 As a result Clare will be helping David with his finances during the next 12 months .
9 Depot manager Bernard Cullen presented David with his certificate .
10 It was possible that he had been in the Rolls with his father on the Sunday night .
11 Born in Petrovichi , Russia , he migrated to the United States with his parents at the age of three .
12 Mr Fitzpatrick had been looking forward for months to a holiday in the States with his son .
13 Masklin prodded Angalo with his foot .
14 He was popular as a man of the people who toured Mexico with his wife and 10 children in a mobile home during the presidential campaign , a very different strategy from the typically aloof approach of the PAN 's other wealthy and middle-class leaders .
15 We were warned not to dress in our parents ' clothes and he threatened Frankie with his belt , but nothing more was said about it .
16 Fr Eugene with his mother
17 ‘ My son is at present on holiday in Tenerife with his wife and daughter .
18 Willoughby said to Emily , pointing at Edward with his pen .
19 At the age of 12 he went on holiday to Butlins in Ayr with his parents and had his first taste of competitive success .
20 These beautiful three storey dwellings were next to three very poor looking , low two-storey cottages , in the first of which lived Mr. Clements with his family .
21 Mr Hubbard , who is retired and lives at Hutton Avenue with his wife Margaret , said : ‘ We just hit it off as pals .
22 James O'Neill , 66 , on holiday from Dundee with his wife Jessie , said : ‘ We were inside the museum when we heard a bang .
23 John Wisson was driving through Milton Keynes with his wife and an auntie to see his newly born grandson .
24 Erm , the first one is a letter from Ron , he , he 's in Milton Keynes with his family at the moment , on holiday , and he will be missing this meeting action tomorrow and unfortunately the September Executive , erm , he 's reported on the erm market stall which I 'll come to a bit later , I ask you for details about that and for the enclose with it erm , a statement issued by the association nationally on pensioner 's and the Poll Tax .
25 Divisional accountant Lindsay Currie presented Ken with his surprise gift .
26 Early in the month William Wordsworth , returning from Bristol to the home he was sharing near Crewkerne with his sister Dorothy , made a detour into West Somerset to visit Coleridge .
27 Main picture John Small with his flock in the Mendip hills
28 This is the Ghost of an Elementalist forced to help Drachenfels with his researches into this area many centuries past .
29 Hugh with his hair wet , carrying Jacqueline and leading his two other daughters , all of them making wet footmarks on the stone floor , came in from the terrace .
30 They passed the beast cautiously , keeping as far away as possible , Allen and Marian with their bows ready , and Hugh with his sword in his good hand .
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