Example sentences of "[noun prp] was [vb pp] through " in BNC.

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1 Other villages linked with Young Farmers ' Clubs for joint activities and the social purpose of the WEA was exemplified through course-linked visits to theatres in Cambridge and Oxford while other visits were arranged to Parliament .
2 Criminal Seduction by Darien North was sold through Abner Stein acting on behalf of Aaron Priest .
3 The ‘ D ’ text of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle says under 1057 that Canute [ q.v. ] banished him to Hungary to betray him , that he prospered there , married Agatha , a relative of the emperor , and begot a noble family ; under 1067 , that Agatha was related through her mother to an Emperor Henry .
4 American-Soviet agreement on respective zones in Korea was attained through acceptance of the 38th parallel as the dividing line between the Soviet-controlled area to the north and the American-controlled area to the south .
5 Equally , it appears that the Cambridge Board also tacitly accepted that although he was its tutor , Shearman 's personal commitment to the WEA meant that provision of courses in Bedfordshire was arranged through the WEA county Federation and thus exclusively organised by the District .
6 However , in the years when the population of Ireland was halved through starvation , disease and emigration , we learned that there had been food ; eggs and beef , grain , butter and pork , but that much of it was exported to England to pay rents .
7 Lady Ardshiel was prosecuted through the courts in an unsuccessful attempt to recover rents received by her since Culloden .
8 In the 1870s , the Society was established in premises at Renfield Street where it remained until the splendid new building in West Regent Street was erected through the efforts of William Agnew in 1894 .
9 Distinct but , from the abolitionist perspective , compatible conceptions of order permeated the reformers ' rhetoric ; they spoke out of convictions about a moral order sanctioned by Providence and a ‘ natural ’ order in which Providence was understood through the laws and qualities of God 's creation , human , animate and inanimate .
10 When , eventually , Lear was forced through ill health and exhaustion to exchange England and ‘ the old Enemy , lithography ’ for a life of watercolour painting in Rome , he was desperate to keep in touch with old acquaintances .
11 The essence of the scheme was that British nationality in the United Kingdom was achieved through citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies .
12 Oscar was hurled through the windscreen like a fighter pilot jerking forward at G-speed .
13 In the short term , de Gaulle was carried through the crisis by the personal support of Churchill ( who defended him before the House of Commons ) and by his own reserves of self-assurance .
14 Potter was blasted through the eye of the needle in a cloud of spray and the wave snapped shut behind him .
15 The majority of food aid to Ethiopia was channelled through Sudan , but the WFP hoped to bring in 6,000 tonnes per month through Massawa .
16 Dick Francis was sidelined through injury , and Bryan Marshall , who rode the horse in the King George and the Mildmay , informed Cazalet that on both occasions his mount had seemed to falter halfway through the race , before finding his second wind and running on again .
17 Braking was achieved through a foot brake operating on the rear wheels of the tug , a hand brake exerting on the same wheels and a second hand brake acting on the trailer wheels .
18 The line up was completed when drummer Emmaline Duffy-Fallon was recruited through an ad .
19 In Tottenham Hale , which will be the new change point from the Stansted airport line to the Victoria line and central London , the latest piece of work in progress , a number of artists were considered before Bruce McLean was commissioned through the Public Art Development Trust .
20 There was a scuffle in which Ian was stabbed through the neck .
21 The archbishop of Besançon was summoned through the bishop of Langres ( an intentional slight ) for allowing papal messengers to be captured ; the bishop of Speyer on the same grounds and also for sending one messenger to the gallows ; the archbishop of Tarentaise for crowning Philip ; and the bishop of Passau , who had probably been the draughtsman of the Staufen protest , had a long series of charges brought against him — he had not delivered two million marks to the king of Hungary , he had not paid back the money given him by Richard I for his release — indeed , his crimes were so great , the letter said , that he could have been punished without trial .
22 A Scot by birth , McDougall was deafened through illness at the age of five .
23 Sharon Townsend was thrown through the air and left on the roadside with fatal head injuries , a court heard .
24 Willy was propelled through the windscreen onto the wall : that 's how he incurred such nasty head injuries .
25 By late March they were in Bologna , where Wolfgang was put through his paces by the famous theorist Padre Martini , who professed himself amazed at the boy 's ability to work out complex fugues on a brief given subject .
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