Example sentences of "[noun prp] was [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 Fasting was maintained for a further 2 hours , after which a normal diet was permitted .
2 Fasting was maintained for a minimum of six hours .
3 Joel Gascoyne was apprenticed for a period of seven years from 21 October 1668 to John Thornton .
4 Between then and 1872 Millend was advertised for sale by auction on several occasions .
5 Eva Braun was dressed for action : zipped PVC jackboots and Chanel no. 5 .
6 Walker was jailed for nine months and banned from the driving for two years .
7 No shots were fired but Mrs Walker was treated for shock .
8 Jasbir Singh was stopped for the second time in two days driving his blue Ford Escort van .
9 With a long history of severe depression and alcoholism , Jean was arrested for arson and spent seven months on remand on C1 , the psychiatric unit of Holloway prison .
10 Down was celebrated for his work on so-called mongol children , a description of which first appeared in a paper , ‘ Observations on an Ethnic Classification of Idiots ’ ( London Hospital Reports , vol. iii , 1866 , pp. 259–62 ) .
11 King Edgar was criticised for inviting heathens into the country , some of whom were possibly poets , while Æthelred evidently patronised the skald Gunnlaug , and it was probably during his reign that the surviving manuscript of Beowulf , with its story of pagan Scandinavia , was written .
12 Brothers Max ( the mechanic ) and Edwin ( the engine tuner ) both raced themselves ( bikes and car rallies respectively ) but quit when it became obvious that Bradl was destined for the big time .
13 Occasionally the Lord Chancellor will publicly reprimand a judge , as happened in 1978 when Mr Justice Melford-Stevenson was rebuked for describing an Act of Parliament as a ‘ buggers ’ charter' .
14 NORTH-EAST HOCKEY Round-up NORTON Hockey Club 's Philip Hardy was selected for England Under 18s at the weekend .
15 The Iraqi embassy in Brussels was occupied for several hours early on April 3 by Kurds protesting at the massacre of their people by Iraqi troops .
16 Three years ago , two art historians , Francesca Capelletti and Laura Testa , published an article which shows that Caravaggio was paid for this ‘ Christ taken into Captivity ’ in 1602 by one Ciriaco Mattei ; that the painting descended in the same family until 1802 , when it was bought , together with other pictures , by the Scottish Hamilton Nisbet family , who sold it again in Dodwell 's rooms in Edinburgh in 1921 .
17 Since 1965 , when the Communist party of Indonesia was blamed for an attempted coup and banned , and hundreds of thousands of communists were killed or sent to prison , the legal instrument most often used to curb political offences has been the Anti-Subversion Law .
18 After his arrest , the vermilion red Metro car belonging to 51-year-old Michael Sams was used for the demonstration , which proved that the bin would fit into the back of the vehicle , still allowing the tail-gate to be shut .
19 Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prize and Nelson Mandela was jailed for life ; Winston Churchill was 90 but the only fighting on the beaches was between the Mods and Rockers .
20 Mrs Mandela was jailed for six years on kidnapping and assault charges but released on bail pending a yet-to-be-heard appeal .
21 Manorial records in general concerned themselves solely with the head tenants ; the name of an undertenant might occur only incidentally , as at Long Crendon in 1535 when the vicar of Thame was presented for letting two tenements by indenture for ten years to William Byrte , from whom , in fact , he had purchased them a few years previously .
22 Jay 's heart knew better , was utterly sure , given the picture of the swing , that Lucy was poised for a recklessly brilliant let go .
23 David was jailed for four years after robbing a petrol station to pay for his drug habit .
24 David was trained for christian service at the Scottish Baptist College and at the BTI .
25 Late in 1536 Throckmorton was arrested for showing an unwise interest in the grievances of the northern rebels .
26 Lowe restored the three-goal balance before Calderwood was dismissed for his second bookable offence and Craig Maskell fired in Swindon 's 80th-minute consolation goal .
27 In elections held on March 28-30 , President Robert Mugabe was re-elected for a further term , and his ruling ZANU-PF party won 116 of the 120 elective seats in a restructured 150-member House of Assembly .
28 In the March 1990 general election ZANU-PF won 116 of the House of Assembly 's elective seats and Mugabe was re-elected for another term as President .
29 Mr Roberts was thanked for all he had done for the Society since its inception .
30 He fined himself a week 's wages for joining in a shouting match with Linfield officials after Tommy Leeman was booked for a tackle on Lee Doherty .
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