Example sentences of "[noun prp] was [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Buxton was initially in despair at Stanley 's proposals but , judging that total rejection ran the risk of abandonment of emancipation , refused to divide the House on the principles of the bill on second reading and hoped for amendment at the committee stage .
2 When Tuesday arrived Shiona was still in the dark .
3 Immediately on his return from Gosol , while Gertrude Stein was still in Italy , he repainted the face , using the conventions of Iberian sculpture , although , since he was anxious to achieve a likeness , they appear in a slightly modified form .
4 ‘ But Kylie was not at all affected by it , ’ he added .
5 In 1973 Kylie was off to the local school , Camberwell primary .
6 Even Bert was not in his cubbyhole , but Flossie was and gave a languid thump of her tail .
7 ‘ We have a real big production screen , and as Jeff was in on the design of the set , I still feel him with me .
8 Jeff was obviously on at least a second drink .
9 Although the light was still clear , Hawkbit was not to be seen anywhere on the upland .
10 If Gharr was there for any reason to do with me , I 'd have to wait and find out .
11 Last week , Barratt returned to profit-making , and consequentially Sir Lawrie was back on their payroll .
12 In summer the smell of Flit was always with us .
13 Dr Neil was not in any way surprised at McAllister 's reaction to his lovemaking ; he expected such modesty from a well brought up young girl , and her arms around his neck , her timid responses , fluttering though they were , told him that she felt for him what he felt for her , and further inflamed his own passion , while warning him to go gently .
14 I really wish Marie was n't in Scotland .
15 But Marie was already inside the room .
16 But the conversation between Kelly Connor and Nick Morley was not of matters of the heart , but of life , death and horses .
17 AN inquiry is underway at the Serious Fraud Office following a leak suggesting that former boxer George Walker was about to be arrested .
18 David Adams was out of work and money was tight .
19 Schellenberg was already on his way .
20 Lady Eleanor was already at Godstowe .
21 She knew Donna was up to something .
22 Picasso was also throughout his life astonishingly prolific and during the Cubist years produced between three and four times as many works as Braque .
23 HEATHCLIFF HAD GIVEN me a letter for Catherine , but I decided not to show it to her until Mr Edgar was out of the house .
24 Meredith was not to be led away from the point at issue .
25 Turning , Meredith was just in time to glimpse a man standing by one of the loose-boxes .
26 Meredith was still in the parlour , and Bunny .
27 Dick Hansen was also in love with this aircraft since childhood .
28 Joyce Barr was again in commanding form as she lifted the ladies ' title bearing Margaret Holligan of Economics .
29 Elena Ceauşescu was not without her own ambitions and may well have agreed to the ( temporary ) sidelining of Nicu after he made some mild protests about the state of the food supply in Sibiu .
30 Ceauşescu was not after all Pol Pot , though in his last hours on earth perhaps he wished that he had been .
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