Example sentences of "[noun prp] is [adj -er] than " in BNC.

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1 Aldius is larger than Romula and smaller than Ikatus 3 , ’ said Jason , ‘ and it 's very near to Centram .
2 It is completely ‘ straight ’ and tempos strike one as just right ; Stokowski is steadier than Reiner both in the scherzo and the finale , and every bit as intense , if not more so , in the opening Largo .
3 Pete Waterman is larger than life .
4 Indeed for some the distance between their home and Plymouth is longer than the journey from London to Bristol .
5 In each case the teacher tried to encourage the use also of ‘ opposites ’ ; Steven is taller than Linda — Linda is shorter than Steven .
6 Steven is taller than Linda .
7 Steven is older than Linda .
8 But the character of Plas-yn-Rhiw is subtler than that , drawing its mood from the Welsh landscape and blending its colours with those of the wildflowers with are freely admitted through the gates .
9 What essentially what you need to do how to do is if you wan na be able to work Saturdays we need to be able to prove that in fact pound per , per item of post on a Saturday is cheaper than because the productivity in the week will be lower therefore and even at time and a half , the cost of doing an hour 's overtime for the work you get out in the week is , is less productive than doing double time with what you get out on a Saturday .
10 Johnny is stronger than the other doctors , the brothers , the sisters .
11 Maize pollen is not so resilient as its phytoliths , but New Mexico is drier than Panama , and pollen survives well there .
12 When Linda stands on a chair Linda is higher than Steven .
13 Although Linda is older than many first time buyers , there are still plenty of options open to her .
14 In each case the teacher tried to encourage the use also of ‘ opposites ’ ; Steven is taller than Linda — Linda is shorter than Steven .
15 These are shrewd , calm , humorous , balanced people and Mugabe is luckier than he seems to know .
16 With its second centenary fast approaching , the Louvre is keener than ever to put some of the lesser-known sections of its collection on public view .
17 Karen is taller than Mark and Mark is taller than Martin .
18 Mark is older than Karen and Karen is older than Martin .
19 IBM Corp chairman Louis Gerstner has called a halt to plans to break up the company , the Financial Times claimed yesterday : the paper said Gerstner told a group of executives , ‘ The whole of IBM is greater than the sum of its parts , ’ and put the strategy into reverse ; John Akers had planned to bring outside investors into some of the decentralised IBM units such as AdStar and Pennant Systems , and was planning to sell some of them outright .
20 Heather and Anita are the same size although Heather is older than Anita .
21 Tottenham is bigger than any one man . ’
22 And if I say that Scotland is bigger than Canada , they say , ‘ Yes , Sir , you are right ’ .
23 The Union between England and Scotland is greater than the sum of its parts , and always has been .
24 The cost of alcohol in Brazil is higher than most gasoline sold in Europe in 1980 .
25 It has to pick its way through the minefield of NT and Unix and estimate whether COSE is bigger than just the desktop .
26 It has to pick its way through the minefield of NT and Unix and estimate whether COSE is bigger than just the desktop .
27 Here I must think Wordsworth is deeper than Milton , though I think it has depended more upon the general and gregarious advance of intellect , than individual greatness of Mind From the Paradise Lost and the other Works of Milton , I hope it is not too presuming , even between ourselves to say , that his Philosophy , human and divine , may be tolerably understood by one not much advanced in years …
28 Elsewhere , and for no good reason , Liverpool 's Kop invented : ‘ We all agree , Tiswas is better than Swapshop ’ and , on a more highbrow note , Stoke City fans sang : ‘ Land of Smoke and glory ; Home of Stoke City ; Higher , higher , higher ; On to victory …
29 Regions of ( AT ) n are known to adopt an unusual alternating B -DNA configuration in which the helical twist at TpA is larger than at ApT [ 32 ] .
30 The success rate for the item shown is typical of those obtained and the most popular response : No , No , Yes ; given by 39 per cent of pupils suggests a view that 30 is greater than 11 so Robert is taller than Dean .
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