Example sentences of "[noun prp] is [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 What 's funny about Frank Spencer is that he 's a fella .
2 ‘ A problem for Falconer is that he is just on the way back .
3 ‘ The test for Neil is whether he could have done anything better to prepare himself for the task ahead .
4 ‘ My objection to Hill is that he is totally irrelevant to most of the things of value that the BBC does .
5 ‘ The problem with Andy is that he has played so rarely we have yet to get him into our pattern of play .
6 All the cops know about Mahoney is that he worked for Joey Bonanza .
7 What gets me about this guy Alderson is that he served in the country area of Cornwall , and he makes all these proposals about inner-city policing ; now how the hell would he know anything about the inner city ?
8 The trouble with Edward is that he 's practically a saint .
9 A brief analysis of Primal Scream 's pop career has also taken place , rounded off by a sure-footed declaration from Craig that ‘ the only respect I have for Bobby Gillespie is that he 's been closer to Kylie Minogue 's fanny than I have . ’
10 He is as much my flesh and blood as Curtis is and he 's going to stay here .
11 The greatest problem for the historian of late medieval population in England is that he has no reliable figure for the number of inhabitants at the time when the plague struck the country first .
12 The extraordinary thing about Greene is that he wrote over decades and changed so fluently from a pre-war to a post-war writer .
13 News on Ronny is that he is in fact at Tottenham for the second week now .
14 Provence is as he painted it , we use his images as icons by which to recognise certain things , the cypresses above all , the olives , some configurations of rock and vegetation , the line of the Alpilles , the plain of the Crau , the light itself .
15 The situation with Stephen Marshall is that he is now working his notice , and is no longer Computer Support Officer .
16 In the post-Althusserian context of today it is nevertheless somewhat startling to find the Althusser of Reading Capital citing his debt to Foucault ( along with Bachelard , Cavaillès , and Canguilhem ) as one of our masters in reading learned works'. perhaps even more unexpected , in the light of the fact that a popular British Marxist position on Althusser is that he simply turned history into theory , is the choice of Foucault 's Madness and Civilization ( ’ that great work' ) and The Birth of the Clinic as examples of the kind of history , focused on the necessity of the production of a concept , that he was advocating .
17 The first thing to be said about Bateman is that he was a Londoner !
18 But the fathers also insisted , and believing Christians have proclaimed it ever since , that although we do not fully understand the relationship between God and the Devil , the inescapable fact about Satan is that he has declared war on God and his creation .
19 Bourdieu 's second criticism of Lévi-Strauss is that he misses the very specific nature of the exercise of power in traditional societies .
20 The problem for Mr Lamont is that he has to attempt to control the public spending deficit but at the same time not take any measures that might stall a sluggish recovery .
21 Well , love , all I can say about Adam is that he 's Jake all over again — and being sensible never got anyone anywhere with Jake .
22 The unspoken allegation against Mr Delors is that he sabotaged the talks because of his support for French farmers who oppose any reduction in EC agriculture subsidies .
23 The interesting ( and decidedly non-xenophobic ) thing about Mr Garel-Jones is that he is a Welshman married to a Spaniard ; the interesting thing about the Yorkshire Post report is that alongside the caption ‘ Tristan Garel-Jones ’ it carried a picture of Michael Fallon .
24 The essence of God is that he is personal .
25 The second very useful contribution from Campbell is that he saw how Christ identified with our suffering .
26 The thing to bear in mind about Johnson is that he 's a very , very , self-conscious professional kind of writer .
27 The real tragedy of Tony Bland is that he is in the public eye .
28 The Washington Post said : ‘ The knock against Clinton is that he is shifty .
29 The consolation for him and for Britain is that he has been far better prepared for the emotional pressures of his destiny than ever his father was .
30 My message to Mr Marland is that he should tell the government that Gloucestershire actually needs this extra money to provide much needed services
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