Example sentences of "[noun prp] is [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The co-ordinating body within the FAO is to be strengthened , and increased emphasis placed on rapid response to requests for assistance .
2 THE firm Dyno-Rod is to be congratulated for advertising service charges .
3 It requires only a small further step to argue for the exclusion from English of " those unfitted to benefit " from studying literature , Indeed , in 1968 , T. R. Henn is to be found recommending that at Cambridge the number of students taking English should be cut by 40 per cent on the grounds that many students tend simply to " drift " into the discipline .
4 This point is sensibly picked up in the Vienna Sales Convention , which provides in article 1(2) that : The fact that the parties have their places of business in different States is to be disregarded whenever this fact does not appear from the contract or from any dealings between , or from , information disclosed by , the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract . ’
5 For instrument approaches airfield QNH is to be used until approaching the Final Approach Fix or Final Approach Point , as appropriate , when QFE is to be set at the Initial Point and all flying in the visual circuit is to be conducted on QFE .
6 TONY WRIGHT is to be the new captain of Gloucestershire in an attempt to foster a happier , more integrated dressing-room and lift morale .
7 I agree with all those points , and the Essex TEC is to be congratulated on its success in getting those programmes off the ground .
8 Hazardous waste smuggled from Germany into Hungary is to be returned .
9 If Bede is to be believed , Oswine proved an attractive ruler who gained the admiration of Aidan , which suggests that Oswiu faced a dangerous rival in this Deiran king whom he eventually out-manoeuvred and slew by treachery the ninth year of the latter 's reign ( HE 111 , 14 ) .
10 The last thing you need Saturday is to be surrounded by a load of Job 's Comforters telling you their troubles and explaining how hard and harsh life can be .
11 Rocky is to be rescued by Sheffield wednesday for stlg1.8m .
12 The BHRCA is to be applauded for taking the initiative on this issue , but if the joint congress is to receive the whole-hearted support of other leading organisations , it is important that no single ‘ lead organisation ’ should take ownership .
13 The best way to discover what HGW is like is to use it to create a presentation .
14 Basquiat is to be followed , from 26 May to 13 June , by an exhibition hot from the Robert Miller gallery in New York : ‘ Photographs 1980–1990 ’ by David Salle .
15 Mr Wakeham is to be given a peerage and will become Leader of the Lords .
16 Now , Benny is a dog , plain and simple , and what Benny is into is rabbits and balls , balls and rabbits .
17 But the hard decision about how housing in Hampshire is to be provided has been weakly postponed , ’ he added .
18 Trade with other former members of Comecon is to be in hard currency , if it takes place at all .
19 Equally , you should try to avoid condescending to , or appearing to patronise , the writer being discussed ( e.g. " Keats is to be congratulated for his use of rhyme … " ) .
20 All you have to do is complete the attached application form , making sure both parties sign if the Bond is to be in joint names , then take or post it to your local Midland branch , together with your investment ( minimum £2,000 ) .
21 Anyway — Fjortoft put in a nice little goal for Norway last night — so if Frank is to be in contention ( ? ) he will have to beat Dino or Wallace for a place during this winter — which is not — that — probable .
22 The first opera ever to be staged in England is to be recreated to celebrate its 300th anniversary .
23 If Fitzormonde is to be believed , we know the reason for the murders : Burghgesh 's death on that unfortunate ship in the Middle Sea so many years ago .
24 to specify that a new SPR is to be based on an existing SPR , and to update the information to suit the new SPR .
25 User to whom SPR is to be passed ( Mandatory Input Field )
26 The name of an existing LIFESPAN user to whom the SPR is to be passed , up to 28 alphanumeric characters long , including spaces .
27 The user to whom the SPR is to be passed will be notified of this resposibility via the Mail System .
28 ‘ If Pinder is to be believed , it was missing at twelve-thirty , ’ said Sergeant Bird , taking a seat as quietly as a man of his bulk could manage .
29 THE HEADQUARTERS of the new National Environmental Technology Centre being formed from the merger of Warren Spring Laboratory and AEA is to be at Culham .
30 Mr Murray continued , ‘ If the AEA is to be thought of as having a united corporate image then it has to behave as such : for example we have countless and diverse literature/publications produced ( independently ) by the Businesses , thereby leaving our customers confused .
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