Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Clarke answered criticism from Cleveland County Council leaders in comparing the money being spent on the City Technology College in Middlesbrough and what the education authority has to spread over the county 's state schools .
2 He himself had been roundly booed in Jamaica and whatever the reasons , the Barbadian public could not bring themselves to come out in support .
3 But you see China was different compared to erm places like Russia and wherever and so you ca n't just strictly sort of use the Marxist model and apply it to China and what the Com
4 In recent weeks our Moscow correspondent could have reported on why the voters in Lithuania had rejected Lansbergis and what the implications were for the prospects of democracy in Russia as well as Lithuania .
5 The block grant from central government is calculated as the difference between the GRP and what the authority plans to spend , so long as this expenditure is below a government assessment of what the local authority should spend .
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