Example sentences of "[noun prp] could not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She was nearly as sceptical as Dr Neil about the reason for McAllister 's presence in their life , but she was such a good , hard-working creature , despite her decorative appearance , that Matey could not quarrel with her .
2 How it would all end Matey could not imagine .
3 Sally-Anne , her heart thudding in the strangest way when he asked her this , as though he had said something much more intimate , and then suddenly understanding by the ambiguous way in which he had spoken that he had offered her other games than chess , and his wicked expression betraying that he had seen her confusion , flushed , and he added softly , so that Matey could not hear him , ‘ Come , McAllister , give me your answer — you surely wish to please the Master in every way possible , ’ the last bit in a fake American accent so bad that she laughed out loud .
4 They possessed a certain plausibility in as much as Richard could not have gone on crusade without first ensuring that his position as his father 's heir was fully and publicly recognized in the most formal manner possible , while everything about Henry 's policy in the last four years indicated that he was reluctant to make any such announcement .
5 She and David could not do anything about it , of course , but it was wonderful .
6 Julia deliberately turned to him to explain the significance of Comfort 's private jokes and fill in the background whenever she mentioned the name of one of their friends whom David could not know .
7 The shops and stalls were open for business : a cart bearing a ragged , crudely-drawn banner was used as a stage by a troupe of actors shouting words that Corbett could not understand .
8 The guard who had brought them went up beside the chair , knelt and spoke quietly to Bruce in a language Corbett could not understand and guessed that it was probably Gaelic , a language totally alien to him .
9 Corbett could not prove that but he recognised the kind of man who could concoct cunning elixirs which could kill a man or woman and leave no trace .
10 When Flagstad could not manage a high C in the 1952 Furtwängler recording of Wagner 's Tristan und Isolde , Elisabeth Schwarzkopf sang it instead .
11 Teachers and LEAs could not keep track of this deluge , little of which can now be recalled by practitioners in any detail .
12 Cadfael could not choose but feel some sympathy for one whose dubious but daring enterprise had come full circle , and now threatened him with disgrace and punishment ; all the more as Cadfael himself had just been spared a possibly similar exposure .
13 The police had been convinced it was a genuine accident that took his life ( and that of his mistress ) but after what she 'd been through , after what she had discovered , Donna could not believe that men willing to kill for the possession of a book had not taken the life of the man she 'd loved .
14 Mickey Aronson could not resist nudging his landlady beside him and whispering : ‘ Now I know why Klugman is going to Palestine .
15 The issue , an ongoing source of tension , had been aggravated by remarks in July by Demiral on the eve of the inauguration of the Ataturk dam on July 25 , to the effect that Iraq and Syria could not lay claim to the water Turkey drew from the Euphrates and Tigris rivers .
16 Hari could not breathe , she felt lost in a flurry of emotions .
17 Ceauşescu could not wage war against foreign enemies — his neighbours after all were his fraternal allies — so he could only provide means for his ambitious plans by waging economic war against his own people .
18 Ceauşescu could not profit from this because he had none to sell .
19 But if exactly the same type of accident as occurred in the Russian RBMK could not occur in a British PWR , was that the end of the story ?
20 There is nothing in these two pieces that Eckard could not have written , but the sketchiness and even abruptness of their construction , the unenterprising harmony , and the lack of textural variety suggest that , if he did compose them , he dashed them off as fast as he could write for a pupil of little talent and not much discrimination .
21 The legal grounds for restricting his freedom of movement were hazy ; an article in Moskovskiye novosti of Oct. 25 pointed out that it was unclear from which country Gorbachev could not leave — the Soviet Union or Russia .
22 Mr Gorbachev could not care less whether Romania endorses perestroika and glasnost or the Soviet Union 's foreign policies .
23 Pairs of RIC men were patrolling on each side of the wide thoroughfare and , though to Jacob they were of no more account than any other pedestrians , he realised that Deirdre could not feel so unconcerned .
24 Dr Paisley could not foresee that he would be in gaol during the throes of a general election .
25 The church was very full and although Amabel could not speak to everyone on her progress to the front pew she paused before taking her seat and smiled sweetly , generally , at the congregation , hoping that no one would feel left out .
26 Even Amabel could not go so far as to trouble Gemma .
27 And Amabel could not stop herself from thinking that this dreadful , dirty town must surely be to blame , that if Gemma had been less stubborn about remaining here , in this dark old manor , standing cheek-by-jowl with the brewery and the foundry and those hundreds and hundreds of unwashed , unlettered people who worked in them , then this tragedy would not have occurred .
28 They had slightly the better of the first half but a poor pass to Sleightholme lost one chance and then Sleightholme could not touch down a useful kick by Maynard , Stabler getting there first .
29 How the information of Frigeridus related to what followed , Gregory could not understand .
30 The absence of rests can often give a dull , plodding effect , which even Bach could not avoid .
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