Example sentences of "[noun prp] while you be " in BNC.

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1 If you can afford it eat out modestly over the stay ; have a pub snack , for instance , on the Saturday while you are both out shopping or sightseeing , and a roast lunch on the Sunday .
2 Pete while you 're talking about I 've got I 've I 've got a quickie to bring up on that .
3 I thought of going to Vetch Street while you were on your rounds , waiting for you , and begging you to take me back , as a skivvy , nothing more , just to be near you , however much you despised me , and hang all worthless pride , and then you came .
4 ‘ Get me a packet of Woodbines while you 're round there Ma , ’ he bawled from the washhouse .
5 ‘ Did your father say anything to you or to Swayne while you were there ? ’
6 go and have a look in Atlantis while you 're here
7 So Kath while you were coffee making we decided on er three weeks for collecting information .
8 And look at all the business you must be losing in London while you 're out here running around after Malta 's nobility ! ’
9 I have been given enough money for you to live the life of a gentleman in London while you are studying .
10 Change your name to Pandora while you 're at it , people might be less inclined to be dismissive !
11 Can you put that away as well Chris while you 're there .
12 ‘ Well , phone subservient Maria Luisa while you 're at it and find out when she is coming back because I 'm fed up with … with … ’
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