Example sentences of "[noun prp] might [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sister Becky might once have shown promise , but she turned out too left-wing .
2 And the Earl of Warwick might well provide him with additional escort .
3 Her school has a high proportion of ethnic minority children where I felt Balbinder might not have seemed such a problem .
4 Worried , Wilson confided in Mrs Browning that she feared Ellen might not have received her letter , the posts being so very variable , and was instructed to write again and have it sent with a reply paid , a system she was assured was possible if expensive .
5 As Oreste grew he would become more expensive to keep and Ellen might not find his maintenance so easy .
6 Changes in contraceptive practises might lessen his fears over large numbers of children , and the string of TV chat-shows , radio and press interviews , plus pending film royalties following the voyage of the Beadle might well combine to reduce his financial concerns .
7 Whereas , under Thorkel Fóstri , under his sons of Orkney and Moray , Thorfinn might well command the north to come to the aid of Alba the south and might well be obeyed .
8 Keynes might well have disapproved of the ‘ Keynesianism , of the postwar politicians , but runaway inflation nevertheless led to a successful monetarist assault on Keynesian theory .
9 And in the long term , as Keynes might also have said , we will keep on worrying about the short term .
10 George Walker , founder and big wheel of the Brent Walker empire , has made use of a refinancing package to save the leisure-based company , but there are rumours that Brent Walker might also have to sell off assets .
11 David might simply have been overwhelmed by his financial responsibilities towards his mother , and could see no immediate future for a life with you and did n't want to tie you down .
12 However , maybe Stalinvast still survived , and the Tormentum Malorum might yet leave the warp in time for him to compel the old woman to send a signal to save the situation .
13 Meredith might not like him but he was a box office draw and bearing in mind that unfortunate incident in Windsor … .
14 Burden said Mrs. Fanshawe might just recall why her husband 's Jaguar had skidded and overturned on the empty fast lane of the twin track road , but he doubted it .
15 Mr Gorbachev might well have won such a vote , and added to his formal powers the authority he now lacks .
16 During October 1989 the Bush administration appeared to take a more positive stance on perestroika , playing down the views of Deputy National Security Adviser Robert Gates , the leading proponent of the view that the USA should not react strongly to perestroika , because the reformist Soviet administration under Gorbachev might not survive for long .
17 Third , of course , Mr Reagan ( like other presidents before him ) had not the slightest thought that Mr Gorbachev might actually do what he asked .
18 In June 1945 the Circuit Stewards expressed a hope that Edenderry might soon become financially self-supporting .
19 It struck him suddenly , like the teeth of a trap round his skull , that it was quite possible that he and Bella might never live with each other again .
20 It was , too , even if Levi might not have noticed until late in the round .
21 The awareness of some unrecognizable danger did not spring from the knowledge that Johnny might yet offer her violence .
22 But Balliol might well have already escaped .
23 Naturally , Mrs Thrigg might not want to lose half a dozen agreeable jobs .
24 If Japan resigns from the IWC and refuses to catch whales sensibly the United States might conceivably impose a trade embargo .
25 There were some reports so confidential that even Jean might not see them ; they were better kept at home .
26 Fothergill was a doctor and in 1740 he set up a practice in White Hart Street very near the Collinson establishment and flowers from Peckham might well have adorned yet another house in the City .
27 While Churchill might still agitate for union , it was doubtful whether the new Labour government of Clement Attlee would display any enthusiasm for it .
28 There remained doubts over implementing the accord , particularly because right-wing factions in the military and the wealthy ruling oligarchy had not been party to the talks , and because hardline elements within the FMLN might not accept the dropping of a previous key demand that either the army be disbanded or its ranks be reduced and the remainder merged into those of the guerrillas .
29 In this case , Sheila might not agree to Mark 's removal , but she might compromise over periods of respite care with his grandmother , which would satisfy the paediatrician 's concerns .
30 But without this pride Antwerp might never have escaped the depredations suffered by Brussels .
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