Example sentences of "[noun prp] know what [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He remembered Mr Dixon 's persuasive arguments regarding telling his father about The Cheaper Sex , but he doubted if Mr Dixon knew what kind of father he had .
2 The attack was over , but how on earth could Shelley know what damage had been done to the heart muscle ?
3 McLeish knew what Treasury Questions were , thanks to Francesca .
4 God knew what effect this would have on Mrs Browning , but as she went to bed that night she had no feelings of optimism left and already there yawned ahead a great void .
5 God knew what harm he might do !
6 The pressure of his foot on a wired pad under the stair-carpet has triggered the burglar alarm , which Raymond , amazingly , must have remembered to set after coming in at God knows what hour last night .
7 God knows what lie she 'd have made up to the staff , and they 'd have believed her .
8 God knows what damage she 'll do to herself coming back so soon .
9 God knows what kind of seedy cinematic productions she was involved in these days .
10 God knows what way we are financially .
11 ‘ You 're at the mercy of some pilot and God knows what state they 're in , ’ he added .
12 God knows what nonsense they have written down in their notebooks .
13 ‘ You know there are young people , even more meshuggeh than you — who used to be involved with drugs and being hippies in India and God knows what crazy stuff-until they met the Maggid and Returned to the Faith .
14 And God knows what sort of a mishmash they 'll make of it .
15 I wrote a note to Leon , left it on the hall table for him to find when he came down at God knows what time , and went into breakfast .
16 ‘ I 'll be late — God knows what time it 'll be . ’
17 There they were imagining satyrs and succubae and God knows what manner of obscene delights , and all the time it was just a baby !
18 God knows what Tavic would find to say to dear , homely Annie Templeman , or what his favourite ex-girl friend , Mina Beresford , had done to deserve the lugubrious Bill Templeman as a neighbour .
19 Elizabeth had won the essay competition and was just about to stand up when Jessica got up and she walked up to Mr and she asked and he asked her what magazine she wanted for the year and she said Rock Seventeen Jessica knew what magazine Elizabeth wanted and she just said Rock Seventeen .
20 For Patrick Milligan knew what Madame 's answer would be .
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