Example sentences of "[noun prp] so [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 ABA so that the calculation is correct and no two letters stand for the same digit .
2 Harvey took a measure of the wind with a little spinner and then reparked the VW so that the lights would show the pilot the direction of the wind .
3 On 7 June 1953 , on the occasion of a broadcast service from Thomas Street Church at 7.45 pm a receiving set was installed in Edenderry so that the congregation there could join in the worship .
4 ICL Plc has adopted Gresham Telecomputing Plc 's ISAM-XA Resource Manager for ISAM files , which is compliant with X/Open Co Ltd 's XA interface : it has been integrated with ICL 's version of the Tuxedo transaction processing monitor ; the product recognises instructions from Encina and TopEnd as well as Tuxedo so that the different transaction managers can collaborate .
5 All Saints Church had been erected in 1876–8 , but after being damaged during World War II , it was demolished and most of its parish was combined with that of St Barnabas so that the latter church was renamed All Saints and St Barnabas .
6 Older , more established painters like Signac and Sérusier also frequented these gatherings at the Closerie so that the atmosphere , though stimulating , was not particularly radical .
7 3 They question the extent to which the system provides for representative governments noting not just the underrepresentation of third parties , but the fact that , in the elections of 1929 , 1951 , and February 1974 , the party which returned the largest number of MPs actually had a smaller share of the vote than the runner-up party in the Commons so that the electoral " winner " was , in fact , the governmental " loser " .
8 Instead of showing the impact of a single additional project , the accounting figures might need analysis over different SBUs so that the impact of variations in their rates of strategic development could be explored .
9 And Stefan , try to write up the Luxembourg so that the emphasis is on that and it detracts from the fact that we 're resurrecting those three tired old numbers we 've so often done before .
10 In every case these criteria are significantly more relaxed than those used to designate the original LFA in the UK so that the so-called marginal areas could be brought into the extension .
11 And so in the sanctuary of the triune Godhead , whose secrets we can never know , and whose mystery we must never probe , God the Father prepared him a body , and the Word from the beginning , the Son , humbly said , ‘ I come ’ and the Holy Spirit overshadowed a young woman of Israel so that the uncreated one was joined to creature-flesh and became man .
12 This has yet to receive a name and will depart from Waterloo again about lighting up time , 18.00 ish , heading for Southampton but via Andover , the Laverstock avoiding line and Romsey so that the locomotive is facing the right direction for the homeward journey .
13 To keep herself from sleep she suspended herself ingeniously upon a large cross which hung in her room … and should this fail she attached her hair [ the one lock she had not shaved off to the nail in the feet of her Christ so that the least relaxation would inflict terrible suffering on her …
14 You should try and amalgamate these DCs so that the total does not exceed 10 .
15 As in other US industries technical change was more extensive and rapid than in Britain so that the importance of introducing technical innovation also helps to explain the greater hostility of US employers to ( craft-type ) unions .
16 I am glad we have converted the European Community to this , but I am not going to have land set aside in Britain so that the rest of Europe can produce more .
17 The Minister of Agriculture has said that he is not going to have land set-aside in Britain so that the rest of Europe can produce more' .
18 That 's their object , I suppose : ruin Sakata so that the Americans get a second chance with the yard . ’
19 According to the former , Molla Edebali , a native of Karaman , came to the Ottoman lands and there won the complete confidence of Osman so that the latter " used to refer to him problems in the Seriat and to consult with him in matters of government " .
20 Kennan described his mission as an ‘ educative ’ one , intended to broaden his own understanding of the situation in Japan so that the State Department could recommend a realistic policy for Japan in the future .
21 As the first group approached sixteen years Salah tried to get the authorities to open a branch of the primary-school teacher-training college in Huaiwiri so that the girls could continue their education without leaving home .
22 February 1945 , and Stalin then agreed to allow free elections in Poland so that the London Poles would have a chance to form a new Polish government , but that agreement was never implemented .
23 Nevertheless , a ship was sent to America so that the story could be checked and in 1810 , three years after his being cast away on Sombrero , Jeffrey returned at last and set foot in Portsmouth .
24 Almost imperceptibly the practice began of signing them on for voyages to Britain , Europe and North America so that the numbers of Chinamen and Lascars on ships based in these areas gradually increased and with it the Chinese , Indian and half-caste population of such ports as Cardiff and Liverpool .
25 which will counteract the induced electric field Ei so that the resultant electric field E = Ei + Ec is constant everywhere along the wire .
26 Six years of bringing up Charlotte and Luke with chicken wire tacked across inside their bedroom window , and a security system worthy of Alcatraz so that the parishioners who needed to get to you never could .
27 To prepare for this he had moved many of his photographs , pictures , books and other possessions from London so that the house , though not looking exactly as it did when he was there , became a showplace bursting with Shaviana .
28 I think today that if someone was designing a house one would incorporate all the modern additions which have suddenly become fashionable such as double porches , doubleglazing and er patio windows , I think that these things are perhaps a development from , in the same way as this house is a development from the rooms and the flats we lived in in London so that the modern conceptions of the things I 've mentioned could be incorporated as normal in the house certainly would be cheaper to incorporate them when building the house than adding them on .
29 They could at least give the business rate — or an element of it — back to London so that the bills can be kept down there .
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