Example sentences of "[noun prp] would be the " in BNC.

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1 We 've gone 30 League games unbeaten at home and beating Arsenal would be the ideal springboard for the rest of our season . ’
2 Ian Wright of Arsenal would be the natural replacement if Lineker drops out , and fellow strikers David White of Manchester City and Everton 's Peter Beardsley must also be in with a shout .
3 On the day that the last of the articles appeared , the Zionist Federation staged a demonstration outside the London offices of The Times , some of their supporters holding placards which announced that the paper was ‘ a new Arab secret weapon ’ and that the PLO would be the next owner of The Times .
4 Souness , enraged by the humiliating 5-1 defeat at Coventry on Saturday , lashed his players for their ‘ Sunday League ’ defending and confirmed that Wright would be the victim of a re-shuffle .
5 While other members of the cast were betting on horses , doing their football pools or playing cards , Ken would be the centre of a small circle that also included Hattie Jacques , Joan Sims and Kenneth Connor , doing the Times crossword .
6 The small community at Grasmere would be the first to experience ‘ the milder day ’ which would eventually include the whole of mankind .
7 At Fulford Road or Fishergate would be the best one to go for .
8 However , if justice and peace could be secured by this House passing ritual condemnations , Northern Ireland would be the most pacific province in Europe .
9 In an attempt to sway Scottish shareholders of Distillers and to influence Scottish public opinion ( which was anxious that a merger with Guinness might reduce Distillers ' involvement in Scotland ) , Guinness promised during the campaign that the ‘ largest part of our business will be Scottish-based ’ , that Scotland would be the ‘ decision-making centre ’ of the company and that Sir Thomas Risk , Governor of the Bank of Scotland , would be appointed as Non-Executive Chairman of the combined group .
10 One of the important issues that would have to be addressed in any new constitutional settlement for Scotland would be the funding arrangements of Scotland within the United Kingdom .
11 Morrison 's departure means that in extremis Adam Roxburgh would be the likely replacement should anything untoward befall captain Ian Corcoran at hooker .
12 President Patricio Aylwin Azócar was told by US President Bush on May 14 , during his first official visit to the USA since taking office in March 1990 , that Chile would be the next country with which the US would negotiate a free trade agreement , after the completion of talks between the USA , Mexico and Canada to establish a North American Free Trade Area ( NAFTA — see p. 38761 ) .
13 Even so , all developments were to be costed as if the NHS would be the sole funding agent and that no local authority or housing corporation money would come in .
14 I cherish his and your friendship , and I can say in all sincerity that Cork would be the poorer without you .
15 They will not win the World Cup , but going further than England would be the next best thing .
16 ‘ If I were on holiday , Nigel would be the first person I 'd contact when I got back .
17 A recently released consultant 's report commissioned by the local authorities declared that the arrival of the Llangollen Railway in Corwen would be the single most important factor in the economic regeneration of the town which has for so long lived in the shadow of Llangollen , ten miles to the east .
18 He was asked to leave Ferrari 's rather funereal office while a major argument took place ; when he was invited back in , he was told Reutemann would be the team 's Number One driver .
19 The February 1974 election in Ulster thus decided that the Labour Party and not the Conservative Party would form the government at Westminster and that Harold Wilson and not Edward Heath would be the new prime minister .
20 It is nearly a year and a half since David Howell , the then Secretary of State for Energy , announced that Sir Frank would be the inspector at the public inquiry into the plans of the Central Electricity Generating Board to build a pressurised-water reactor ( PWR ) at Sizewell in Suffolk , and there has been a veritable deluge of documentation from all sides in the past 18 months , giving Sir Frank more than enough preliminary reading .
21 ‘ June or July would be the ideal time for first-time buyers to exchange contracts . ’
22 Had the station been to the right of track , then the second QDM would be the original , PLUS the angle off the nose .
23 It was the universal view of the members of the 1922 Committee of Tory back-benchers that , given Grunte 's probity in matters financial , the Governorship of the Cayman Islands would be the most suitable place for him .
24 Kapil Dev would be the people 's choice but when he was captain in the mid-80s , his bowling , on which India rely heavily , deteriorated .
25 A partial answer might be that he was confident at the time that Argentina would be the first country to exploit atomic energy for industrial purposes .
26 Then , she was sure , Harold would be the last thing she would think of as she drowned .
27 His knowledge of the Anglican religious communities , such as it was , made him think that if he decided to try this out , Mirfield in Yorkshire would be the right place ; for at Mirfield many of the fathers had a vocation to teach , or to hear confessions .
28 And our prediction that the USSR would be the most troubled nation of the 1980s was quite prescient — we said specifically in those pre-Gorbachev days that Poland would be the thin end of the wedge and that the resurgence of ethnic identity would cause a flashpoint , especially among Muslims .
29 forgive me Mr if I want to ask somebody some questions about the brochure and er the layout and so on and I find out Counsel has n't , I gather from Mr that Mr would be the person I ought to ask , is that right ?
30 Chaovalit would be the only member of the government not elected to parliament .
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