Example sentences of "[noun prp] say [Wh det] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 " Did Edward say what I looked like , then ? "
2 Has Martin said what I 'm doing already ?
3 and they heard this crack , and they did n't think much about it , just as , Rita said what you doing ?
4 Borough councillors on the transport committee will consider the proposal on Monday but Mr Docherty said whatever their decision he expected they would take a back seat to Stockton Borough Council which coordinated last year 's meetings .
5 I 've got it here in , in , in black and white , Mao said what we are after is the abolition of feudal ties , to get rid of feudalism .
6 ‘ I like the way Steve says what he thinks , he 's very good at getting things done .
7 Meanwhile , political leaders in French Polynesia called on France to say what it intended to do to ease the economic and social consequences of the suspension .
8 And it seemed to her that she was at least two people , for the person who had plunged them into the forest and brought them to this spot was not the same as the person who sat here waiting for Allen to say what he was doing , and for the Friar to return .
9 And erm I got the vegetarian cookbook out this morning so Rob said what you looking at that for ?
10 ‘ When I first came up from Balclutha , Hilda said what I needed first was a good wife but Jan here said what I needed first was a couple of good horses . ’
11 Charles said what he had to say , softly but firmly .
12 And so it seems to me that erm we must look to you sir and Miss Whittaker to say what you feel as er independent erm hearkeners to the debate er we it 's time as I would say for erm North Yorkshire now to face up to what 's going on in its own territory and remove the planning obstacles to what is actually happening and just to make sure that it 's safely tied up with criteria to make sure it does n't erm erm unhappy consequences instead of the happy consequences that we are trying to achieve .
13 and erm , ha , got home , did n't wan na go out , there was me I got changed , I put on those new leggings I was all in black I thought I looked rather nice , you know , and Gary said what you all dressed up for ?
14 Note how simply Adrienne Rich says what she has to say .
15 It is not perfectly clear from what Mace says what it is that he wants to contrast with my body as it appears to others .
16 Silvio says what you earned modelling for Fabbiano last night paid that off . ’
17 That 's what Dave said what we could do if we money , you know , all get a , you know you , like you , if you had a partner to do it , you would n't be stuck at home .
18 No one has ever given a satisfactory explanation of why Mr Ford said what he said — and it has gone down in the history books as just another Ford pratfall .
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