Example sentences of "[noun prp] say [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Flaherty said to be sure this was true , although he misremembered the last time they 'd been called on to supply them , it being all of two years since the Wolfkings had been driven out by the Gruagach .
2 If an operator 0 turns a vector V into a multiple v of itself , unc then the vector Vis said to be an eigenvector of O with eigenvalue v.
3 So what has brought the best known boxer on the unofficial circuit , the best known bouncer in town , the man who has inspired film scripts and tall tales in the snooker halls , once one of the six people in Britain said to be able to bench-press 500 pounds , what has brought him to the dock in front of Judge Richard Lowry and to the possibility of spending the rest of his life locked up with robbers and rapists ?
4 Dr Hugh Dalton , MP for Peckham and later to become Attlee 's first Chancellor , had already been chosen to succeed Ben Spoor said to be an alcoholic in the Co Durham constituency .
5 Welsh Office inspector Brian Evans said to be able to agree to the council 's plan , he had to be sure that the diverted route would not be less convenient .
6 They now reside on the walls of Rules of Covent Garden said to be London 's oldest restaurant , which is run by the son of Mrs Fields ' nephew , John Mayhew .
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