Example sentences of "[noun prp] say [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 SeaWatch director Sven Hansen says that recent international agreements to reduce pollution mean that it is particularly important to set up a system capable of ensuring standards are being met .
2 Mitterrand said that Turkish " association " with the Western European Union ( WEU ) was desirable ( in spite of problems raised by Greek-Turkish relations ) .
3 Sir David said that Associated would make further funds available for expansion .
4 " The hi-fi 's in Dad 's study , " David said and padded across the turkey carpet across a hall and through a polished dark oak door .
5 At the opening ceremony , director Howard Newby said that global warming was one of the most important threats facing humanity and that research was needed into how global warming could be slowed and its effects managed .
6 Durkheim said that simple societies were held together by ‘ mechanical solidarity through likeness ’ : people were united by the similarity in the labour and the general social roles they performed , which also gave rise to a homogeneous conscience collective .
7 Mr Lang said that Scottish Office funding for the laboratory complex was firm evidence of the Government 's support for the future importance of science and technology .
8 Brian Grant of Arks says that single island marketing will increase , following such examples as Colgate-Palmolive , Guinness and Weetabix .
9 Reddy says that traditional plans also lack a ‘ development focus ’ , and take no account of how the benefits of energy are distributed in society .
10 Canon says that Still Video is an ideal medium for multimedia presentations because users can mix photographs , text and graphics on a computer , record them on a still video disk and display them on a TV .
11 Florence says that Æthelred had esteemed him greatly , and that he was deprived of his property for unjust judgements and proud deeds , while charter evidence speaks of most serious crime and treachery , leading to the loss of all that he had unjustly acquired .
12 But Mr Reynolds said that renewed efforts were needed to find a political settlement in Northern Ireland .
13 On April 9 the DPK said that Kurdish guerrillas had checked the advance of government troops north of Sulaimaniya .
14 The ANC said that substantial progress in fulfilling these demands would have to be made before negotiations could recommence .
15 Mr Salmond said that recent comments by Labour 's shadow Scottish secretary , Tom Clarke , that the constitutional issue was not uppermost in people 's minds could not be more wrong .
16 Gen Schwanitz said that national security offices in Cottbus , Dresden , Suhl , and Rostock had to be closed after his staff were attacked by angry crowds .
17 Lord Upjohn said that unlawful behaviour might be constituted by : ( a ) an outright refusal to consider the relevant matter ; ( b ) a misdirection on a point of law ; ( c ) taking into account some wholly irrelevant or extraneous consideration ; ( d ) wholly omitting to take into account a relevant consideration .
18 As Bishop Thomas Brinton of Rochester said when preaching at the time of the Black Prince 's death in the summer of 1376 , it was part of a knight 's duty to help his king in time of war ; failure to do so meant loss of the right to be called a knight , which was both a sign of honour and a mark of responsibility which had to be lived up to .
19 Mr Broadfoot said that local authorities were clearly prepared to put the resources into the new system so that it operated successfully .
20 Mr McInally said that forensic tests had revealed liquid petrol on the accused 's shirt and jeans .
21 Toure said that multiparty democracy was " a priority " and would be achieved " as soon as possible " .
22 Coun Dixon said where possible the council would consider introducing hard standing areas where people had no alternative for parking their cars .
23 Speaking on the eve of an expected announcement on energy taxes by the Clinton administration , Mr DeCrane said that global climatic change was a complicated issue in which stringent environmental policies were being proposed with little regard to cost .
24 Sir Matthew said that Glasgow-based Hewden Stuart was used to difficult times .
25 In that case Lord Denning said that special notice was required for " unreasonable " clauses , while Megaw LJ spoke of a need for special notice for " unusual clauses " .
26 For the DPP Miss Goddard said that mere delay is not capable of being an abuse of the process unless the delay is so great that what is sought by the Crown is no longer the vindication of justice but amounts to oppression or harassment of a defendant .
27 However , Mr Wilson said that other Scottish bridges , like the one being built at Dornoch , had been publicly-funded .
28 Joan Hamer says that married women with children have ‘ had their careers ’ .
29 Jacques Delors says that floating exchange rates are the grit in the oil .
30 In his statement , Brooke said that Unionist participation would be formally associated with his presence , and the Unionist parties would regard themselves as part of the United Kingdom team .
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