Example sentences of "[noun prp] that you [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It occurred to General Schellenberg that you might be caught out by the weather . ’
2 that that control the purse are part of the dialogue , and I I hope David that you will continue to make your submissions , in opposition as I did .
3 If Edward Tupper is to be believed , Wilson first faced Carson and then Tupper himself " You know Sir Edward that you can not do this .
4 Can I take it from what you said Professor Lock that you would envisage this policy as providing for B one B two and B eight development ?
5 You slip over now … well , as soon as you 've seen Emma off to sleep , and tell May that you 'll be over later .
6 so if you had a date in November that you could give me , time to get people together
7 Can we take it Mr that you would therefore apply the same comments to sector six on this criterion , as you did to the freestanding criterion ?
8 so , so do I , but er at the same we said this much to Mr that you would except that many of the people who the company deal , deal with are old and concerned with a limited income on fixed pensions , you know that do n't you ?
9 I appreciate Mr Mayor that you ca n't stop bomb scares .
10 Modular Windows , meanwhile , is said to preserve so many of the standard Windows APIs that you 'll soon be able to run PageMaker on your TV .
11 It 's at the top of Geal-Charn that you must make the decision to go back or carry on to Carn Dearg .
12 But someone discovered in China that you could put them together and it went off with a bang .
13 ‘ Of course , you did promise Anna that you would take her to Sherwood Forest the next time she and Sam came over on business , ’ he reminded Merrill tauntingly .
14 There is also a rule for UB that you may not qualify for UB unless you are unemployed for at least 3 days of the social welfare week .
15 CATHERINE That you might want to see Janet .
16 CATHERINE That you would be like my sister , not caring any more .
17 A jolly little incident in Kwiksave that you would have been amused at dear .
18 Tell Mr Boldwood that you will drive my new cart over to Casterbridge this afternoon to fetch her body .
19 This , he wished it to be understood , was a duty to God incumbent on him personally , one that he couched in the words of the Confiteor : ‘ And I pray to God that you will not stop because of what I have done or what I have failed to do . ’
20 " I have explained to Mr. Ingard that you may need to discuss various matters with departmental heads in the group , " Sir Geoffrey added .
21 The only RPG that you wo n't get too embarrassed buying is Toe Jam And Earl , an ideal chill-out kind of game about two alien rappers who strut the screen looking for the missing parts of their spaceship so they can return to planet Funkotron .
22 So should you ever bet a local from Sherborne that you can find a better village , do n't be surprised if you get this reply .
23 His eyes did not leave the view as he said , ‘ Did you ever think when you were living in that flat in Manchester that you would one day own all this ? ’
24 And you 'll have to tell Akela that you wo n't be there next week .
25 Erm , then it may well be for the benefit of Greater York that you might be looking at more than one settlement ?
26 I note in the June PFK that you would like to hear from anyone who grows tropical water lilies .
27 There 's so much about your relationship with Maria Luisa that you wo n't talk about — ’
28 It was in London that you could live anonymously , could create your own ambience , could deliberately fabricate the persona which you chose to present to the world .
29 ‘ Unfortunately , no-one had explained the strict ruling of Sir J. Arthur Rank that you could n't smoke anywhere in the building . ’
30 To make you be decisive , tell Hitler that you will march immediately , crush him .
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