Example sentences of "[noun prp] that i be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I gather from Jeff that I was right . ’
2 Then one of her aides came along and must have thought from the name Adams that I was a nationalist .
3 That 's why , cos she said I 'm just gon na know , I was gon na say to Richard that I was gon na ask Richard if if Emma , if he wants to go out with Emma ?
4 I was much impressed with the professional work of Barbara Stanwyck and her quick response when I suggested a slight change of emphasis in her radio lines ; she later told Ira Dilworth that I was a ‘ capable director ’ .
5 Yeah she told Christie that I were going with her .
6 I am suspicious about old Martha drowning in her bath , and you may tell the Lady Amelia that I am now curious about the two corpses found in the forest nearby . ’
7 I must tell Philippa that I was joking .
8 The thought pleases me but what they think is irrelevant really ; it 's Marcus that I 'm saving myself for .
9 I told Karen that I was visiting factories and offices in the Oxford area and sounding out the management with a view to future co-operation , but in fact my mornings were spent driving aimlessly around the highways and byways of rural Oxfordshire .
10 ‘ The English players were saying I did n't play in England that I was fat .
11 No no she managed I told her on pain of death not to tell Pete that I was backing
12 No , no she managed , I told her on pain of death not to tell Pete that I was backing
13 I told Émile that I was thinking of leaving Jean-Claude .
14 ‘ I 've crossed the time lines so many times in the TARDIS that I 'm extremely sensitive to temporal disturbances .
15 So I 'm telling you Mr that I 'm not unemployed because according to the Government figures I am not .
16 Now , one member of the joint traffic management sub-committee who has been closely associated with all of these three issues is county councillor Tony and I must say , Mr Mayor that I am surprised to say the least by the way in which councillor appears appears to have been treated by some members of the labour party in this city .
17 ‘ When I told Martin that I was 10 weeks ' pregnant with my second child , he enjoyed telling people how clever I was because I 'd arranged it between the interims and the final results ! ’
18 When it was time I did n't tell Mr Lawler that I was going , I just left .
19 Why they should be so flinching on this score is beyond me , but let me assure Ed that I 'm note remotely intolerant of any of them , only surprised and amused that its mention should matter to them so much .
20 I whispered to Catherine that I was sure Heathcliff had heard some of what she said .
21 I did n't have the heart to tell him or Nicola that I was worried that Jo 's ‘ phone would be tapped .
22 I informed Mr Kagan that I was something of a heretic so far as the minutiae of the Jewish faith were concerned ; on the other hand , I said , I had never concealed that I was a loyal member of the faith , and so I would be happy to have the boy to tea and talk to him about Judaism in general terms .
23 I was given a dummy in which to do my preliminary sketches , but the dummy was designed so beautifully by Amelia Edwards that I was really happy with my work .
24 Coincidentally I 'd just told Malcolm that I was a bass player — although at this point I was only mucking around by myself at home — so Malcolm told them .
25 ‘ Thank God that I am not answerable to any higher authority ; but were I in the position of having to justify myself before the great British public , even I would find it difficult to defend your priorities . ’
26 ‘ I thank God that I am , ’ he said in Arabic , and continued in French ,
27 When that heroin is in my blood And that blood is in my head Thank God that I 'm as good as dead .
28 Of course , they did not and now when I wake up in the morning and thank God that I 'm a lesbian , I remember to thank myself as well .
29 It is for refugees in Britain that I am writing to ask for your help .
30 Wycliffe said : ‘ It 's not about Alfred that I 'm here but another matter altogether .
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