Example sentences of "[noun prp] it [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Whereas in Northumberland it rarely lasted for a whole day and almost never appeared on consecutive days , in London and Surrey it seemed to shine uninterrupted for weeks at a time .
2 For Richard it seems to have been a period of reconciliation : with Sebrand Chabot , who was allowed to return to his see in April 1180 , and with Aimar of Limoges , who arrived back at Christmas of the same year .
3 He said the emphasis on staff training meant that in May it expected to gain the prestigious BS5750 award for the quality of care it provides .
4 During the middle of May it continued to sing after dark , often reaching a peak around midnight .
5 As it watched Tallis it began to sniff .
6 Valuable as this account is , in its necessary emphasis on Scrutiny and Cambridge it tends to obscure a wider perspective covering the full range of cross-currents within English during the inter-war period .
7 In Stroud it has to come from hospital time .
8 In October it demanded to know what had happened to the seventy-acre industrial site and the industrial training centre promised by Faulkner and Minister of Development William Craig , and in February 1966 the DUAC lobbied the House of Commons at Westminster , led by Finbar O'Doherty , who was at this time its London representative .
9 Is the figure of Jesus it claims to have uncovered really there in the New Testament , and is his message the one that Harnack claims ?
10 In August it expected to make about A$20m from the sale .
11 Even so , for Virginia it came to represent the ease and contentment of country life .
12 Since such a system seemed well founded in Britain it chose to ignore British fascism , unlike the Communist Party , which was prepared to fight the BUF on the streets at Olympia and Cable Street .
13 Since the first of September till the twenty-sixth of September , we 've had thirteen bikes go all over Banbury , and since the twenty-sixth of September it seems to have increased and we 've had eight of various sorts go , er ranging from a hundred to a hundred and ninety pounds .
14 3 ) In the instruction manual for the BOSS ME-5 it says to take it to a recognised dealer to get the back-up memory battery replaced .
15 In Europe it plans to invest $350m over the next five years and create 650 jobs to launch the speech and data services , which will offer common features and performance standards globally , and will be offered to European multinationals in 1994 .
16 It is not surprising that as opera spread over Europe it tended to preserve its original language , resisting the various vernaculars .
17 To Cleo it appeared to consist of a jutting arrangement of elephant tusks , stretched membranes and taut strings .
18 Perhaps had the Ceauşescus ruled over a larger state their megalomania might have been more comfortably contained , but trapped inside little Romania it began to consume the whole nation and to penetrate into every area of life , even its most intimate secrets .
19 Theory Z was put forward by W G Ouchi as an ‘ advance ’ on Theory Y. It attempts to draw on the successful management techniques of large Japanese companies , and suggests how the key elements of successful Japanese management methods can be applied to Western management and organisation .
20 After Wilfrid 's eventual return north , although Christianity stayed in Sussex it seems to have formed one of the less distinguished and lively dioceses of the English church , closely tied to the features and experience of the county generally but not emerging to direct secular life .
21 The traffic in the town was heavy but once they were clear of Malaga it started to thin out .
22 Munich-based consumer electronics group Schneider Rundfunkwerke AG , ravaged by personal computer price wars , says it cut its group loss to less than $45m 1992 from $90m the previous year , and it told Reuter it hopes to approach breakeven this year ; 1992 sales were around $310m compared with $377m done in 1991 .
23 Five miles from Cotherstone it began to blow a blizzard .
24 This hip had been paining me at times again , but while we were in Wales it decided to play up properly .
25 Abdurahim Pulatov , leader of the Birlik movement , was reported as saying that " the totalitarian regime has been destroyed in Moscow but in Tashkent it continues to exist " .
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