Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [verb] those " in BNC.

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1 All Nettwork artists seem to take the idea of ‘ sparse ’ to new and distant boundaries , but David has replaced those bleeps with a mutant robot voice ordering some lucky conscripts to report to the floor .
2 Silvia has to pass those exams of hers .
3 The plaintiffs ' case was that Peats and Coopers had made mistakes of mixed fact and law , and that they were entitled to ask the court to determine whether or not Coopers had made those mistakes .
4 There were clear lines beyond which he and the other senior figures in the Party could not go without forfeiting the support of the members and the ordinary voters and , in appearing to have countenanced the idea of an emergency coalition with the SDLP , Beattie had crossed those lines and he paid the price .
5 Poor old Ralph has to pay those .
6 For Nahum 's sake , so that no stain will be on his character , Mr Bradford has cleared those debts , but you , Sarah , will have nothing .
7 We are now trying to get agreement with the International Maritime Organisation to phase in the recommendations much more quickly , and the United Kingdom has led those calls .
8 Anti-smoking campaigner Princess Diana has blasted those who claim — ‘ from behind a cloud of smoke ’ — that smoking is not addictive .
9 Next Trent had listed those facts appertaining to his own role .
10 Ch Chairman I , I , I , I would agree with Mr that we might er successfully change the order , but we ca n't er and should n't make it a condition of issuing that statement of conformity that Aida have done those things .
11 Melodrama , perched on the uneasy edge between tragedy and the horribly grotesque , points also to the music hall , where Eliot had found those last vestiges of English myth .
12 In 1776 , John Mills FRS had joined those who deplored the absence of a veterinary school in this country .
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