Example sentences of "[noun prp] have call [prep] " in BNC.

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1 JAPANESE Emperor Akihito has called for closer cultural ties between Japan and the European Community .
2 CPRW has called on Mr Hunt to transform this list into a ‘ bold , coherent and integrated environmental strategy for Wales ’ .
3 ICI has called off talks with Ferro concerning their proposed $200m pa ( £120m ) joint venture to manufacture and market powder coatings worldwide .
4 SOUTH Down MP Eddie McGrady has called on Agriculture Minister Lord Arran to ensure that the first instalment of the Beef Special Premium is paid at the beginning of November .
5 At a conference of the Prison Officers ' Association , their leader , John Bartell has called for a halt on the Government 's privatisation of the prison service .
6 Because of Australia 's preferential voting system , Green support was crucial to Labor 's victory in the 1990 elections and will be again in the federal elections Keating has to call by June this year .
7 Although he insists there will be no change in France 's basic strategy , President Mitterrand has called for a national debate on defence .
8 ANC President Nelson Mandela has called for the removal of the Ciskei homeland leader after his troops shot down 28 demonstrators .
9 WEST Belfast MP Dr Joe Hendron has called on the security forces to step up their patrols in loyalist areas of Belfast in a bid to halt sectarian killings .
10 SWINDON player-manager Glenn Hoddle has called for the new back-pass laws to be changed immediately .
11 Johnnie Spencer had called upon some of the highest names in the land as character witnesses , including his ex-wife 's own mother , Ruth , Lady Fermoy .
12 At the Franco-German summit Kohl and Mitterrand had called on the April 28 summit to convene an intergovernmental conference on political union for December 1990 , to coincide with the planned summit on economic and monetary union .
13 According to a report on July 11 the French President François Mitterrand had called for the abolition of the consensus rule , saying that " this conference must adapt " .
14 But before he had reached the door Hari had called to him , following him to the door .
15 In the course of his visit to Sweden , Mandela had called on the international community to sever all diplomatic links with South Africa and to intensify sanctions in order to eliminate apartheid .
16 Middleton said his friend David had called for him at 10pm on the night the bank was broken into and asked him to drive a car to Jedburgh .
17 On Jan. 14 , Palestinian sources said that the PLO chairman Yassir Arafat had called on Palestinians in Lebanon to fight on the side of Iraq in the Gulf war .
18 In leaving the room , swelling for the first time with tears , she had collided awkwardly with Gordon 's mother , who supposed she could stand where she liked in her own house , and even if Edward had called after her , she would not have been able to hear him .
19 At the conclusion of his speech in New Delhi on 10 December Brezhnev had called for understanding and support for his initiative in India .
20 But now bookies William Hill have called in the police to investigate .
21 The Church of Scotland has called on all Scottish authorities to follow Lothian 's example and provide extra cash to help bridge gaps in community care provision .
22 In terms of a debate , he will be aware that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland has called for debates in the Scottish Grand Committee and I hope that everyone will contribute to them .
23 MOIRA councillor Jim Dillon has called on the Government to back any proposals a Lisburn Area Plan may produce with ‘ hard cash ’ .
24 AN AMBULANCEMEN has called for a man who rescued a youth from mountainous seas yesterday to be given a bravery award .
25 THE Bank of England has called in fraud squad detectives to investigate claims that two bank officials took bribes from crooked BCCI bosses .
26 Conservation group Plantlife has called on the government to use powers of compulsory purchase to protect the remaining bogs .
27 The governments of Byelarus , Kazakhstan , Kirgizstan , Moldova , Uzbekistan and Ukraine had called on the Russian government on April 2 not to deregulate oil prices before Oct. 1 , fearing for their economies if the cheap fuel they received from Russia was instead sold to them at world prices .
28 Along with a Chinese freelance photographer , Cavell had called for her that morning and whisked her round some of Taipei 's famous landmarks , the all-marble Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial , a colourful Buddhist temple , and the Grand Hotel with its magnificent Chinese architecture , pausing only long enough at each for the young man to take the photos that would help introduce Maria to the Taipei public , before escorting her back to the apartment and approving the outfit she planned to wear to the dinner the radio station was hosting for the rest of the local media that night .
29 On his way there the frigate taking him to Suez had called at Jidda to enable him to meet Sharif Husain , the father of Amir Faisal who was leading the Arab Revolt .
30 The ANC had called for the day to be one of national mourning and services and vigils were held throughout the country .
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