Example sentences of "[noun prp] have give i " in BNC.

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1 I 'm just looking for the biographical summary Ellis has given me .
2 Rugby has given me a life , it 's given me everything .
3 The cement floor was cold underfoot and the water colder , so I washed quickly and jumped out on to the carpet , gratefully rubbing myself with a towel which the Sheikha had given me .
4 And I was reaching some conclusions about the choice that Gharr had given me .
5 Ellen had given me one of her pitying looks .
6 In Salamanca , as a parting present , Dana had given me two of his most beloved treasures , two books of Chinese prints and ink drawings .
7 ‘ Now Bobby Gould has given me this new contract .
8 I was uncomfortable talking about the poems and Rory 's papers ; the bag lost on the train coming back from Lochgair at the start of the year had stayed lost , and — stuck with just the memory of the half-finished stuff that Janice had given me originally — I 'd given up on any idea I 'd ever had of trying to rescue Uncle Rory 's name from artistic oblivion , or discovering some great revelation in the texts .
9 While he was out of sight of the gate I walked up the drive , opened the front door with the key Karen had given me , and ran upstairs .
10 ‘ There 's nothing else to hang about for now that your friend at UFA has given me a new face .
11 Berenice has given me a possible lead to her elusive husband . ’
12 Fred has given me no good reason for wanting us to break up our marriage like this . ’
13 My preference is for the bigger man yet Andy Robinson has given me more difficult games that any other opponent .
14 ‘ Look what Maurice has given me , ’ Ursula had cooed , displaying her ring finger for Charlotte 's admiration .
15 Tried working through the Alekhine Paz had given me , but even chess filled me with disgust .
16 After Mr Brocklehurst had given me the book and left , I felt I had to speak .
17 The crime of syphilis had made me ban sex from my mind for weeks ; now I was found not guilty half an hour with a textbook Conchis had given me to look at had convinced me his diagnosis was right — the libido rose strong .
18 Yet strangely my time at Bristol had given me some relevant training .
19 Stamford have given me a list of local McCloys and there again not a sniff as far as they know .
20 NCT has given me such a lot as I have moved twice when each of my children was 6 months , and as I attended really brilliant ante-natal classes before I had … and now that I am starting out on my ante-natal teacher training which will cost the branch £250 ( This is actually the cheapest training offered by any charity e.g. a Relate counsellor costs £600 to train ! ) ,
21 As a parting gift the Keraing had given me a scale model of the prahu we were sailing in , which I had lashed to the hull walls facing backwards .
22 I told him that Jo had given me the cash , though I was suitably vague as to exactly how I recovered her lost property .
23 They found the picture of Jill that Sayeed had given me more than eighteen months before .
24 I got out the file that Inspector Redpath had given me , and studied it .
25 Gail Smith writes ‘ The burden God has given me for Albania took root in 1982 the first time I ever heard mention of the country and people .
26 I have not done anything to earn it , but God has given me the Spirit and accepted me into his family ; and he means me to know that I belong . ’
27 … the privilege which God has given me of being a servant of Christ Jesus …
28 He himself says in his 2nd Edition of the Perambulation of Kent , which he revised whilst living here , " At this place of the Bishop in Halling I am drawing on the last scene of my life , where God has given me Liberorum Ouadrigam , all the fruit that I ever had " .
29 In gratitude for what I thought God had given me , a second chance , I ignored Leon 's boredom as I talked him through the files — just as I was ignoring Muriel 's messages to call her — and I ignored his rarely appearing at meetings with agricultural reps and men from the Milk Marketing Board ; ignored his non-involvement with any of the humdrum things essential to the running of a place like Sleet .
30 ‘ But once Northants had given me a chance , I did think I had the talent .
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