Example sentences of "[noun prp] have give [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 This does n't mean that ICL has given up on the Texas Instruments Inc Sparc line , simply that it can now pick and choose from the two superscalar implementations on offer , says Mike Coote .
2 WordPerfect has given up on the Wild West theme in favour of giving away peagreen baseball hats .
3 BUILDING tycoon Sir Lawrie Barratt has given up on Chancellor Norman Lamont 's feeble attempts to halt the recession .
4 In return , Sequoia has given up any ambitions it may have had in the telecommunications marketplace , but will sell the thing in competition with HP elsewhere .
5 Gloucestershire skipper Tony Wright has given up the captain 's job … the county are bottom of the championship table … have n't won a game and Wright thinks it 's time to let someone else have a go
6 Gloucestershire skipper Tony Wright has given up the captain 's job … the county are bottom of the championship table … have n't won a game and Wright thinks it 's time to let someone else have a go
7 In an impassioned speech to the Congress of People 's Deputies , Mr Dmitri Likhachev , who since the death of Andrei Sakharov has emerged as the conscience of the nation , argued that if President Gorbachev had to give up his party post ( as some radicals have demanded ) this ‘ will lead again to a civil war ’ .
8 Speelman had to give up his queen to avoid being mated , but by that time he had so many pieces for it that he was still able to draw comfortably .
9 He had returned to discover that — like his brother before him Ken had given up being a teacher .
10 SCIENTISTS from Canada and the United States have given up attempts to agree about what effect acid rain is having on the environment of North America .
11 ‘ The art museums of the United States have given up on great shows with the exception of Carter Brown , and now he 's out .
12 But once the Petrovs had given up all their secrets they became difficult to please , claiming that their true value was not being appreciated .
13 Pete had given up on the stew and was eating the pudding .
14 John McGhee had to give up his job to help his wife Jo look after her elderly mother and two sons who have learning disabilities .
15 ‘ When was it that John Livesey had to give up ? ’
16 In 1966 the Beatles had given up touring , a practice that had consumed their lives ever since they 'd been catapulted into celebrity in 1963 .
17 Jessica Rainford has given up publishing and returned to Oxford .
18 Ted had given up all hope of enlarging his holding and was concentrating his efforts on farming his existing soil , making a reasonable living from his multiplicity of vegetable crops , when a letter arrived one day explaining to him that if he still wanted to buy the adjoining land , the owners were interested in discussing the matter .
19 Third , the Serbs had to give up more territory than Croats or Muslims ( see maps below ) .
20 Joshua Morris had given up hope of ever reaching the promised land .
21 The poem expresses a lot more anger in it than in ‘ Futility ’ where you get the impression that Owen has given up .
22 Rita has given up the daily struggle to clear the family 's only dining table of the piles of skirts to be hemmed , the cottons , machine , and bags .
23 Viv Richards has given up his lifelong pledge not to set foot in South Africa .
24 Teddington had to give up Laslett and Barker to England but put up a spirited performance against the national side .
25 Rita had given up her fashion career when she had the children , so she could now divert her energies to tasks such as decorating and making curtains and other soft furnishings .
26 There was also the monthly parish draw — top prize , £5 — a ‘ Children 's Corner ’ ( rabbits and a cross to colour in this month ) and Peter 's ‘ Letter from the Rector ’ , which Anna had given up reading because she could not recognize the man in the message .
27 Jude had given up trying to make contact .
28 Eventually even Gorbad had to give up , Altdorf had defeated him and the Waaagh was over .
29 Leonard had given up architecture to help with the business .
30 Proctors had to give up to twenty to fifty per cent of their fees for custom received through petition-drawers .
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