Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [noun prp] when " in BNC.

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1 He taught singing to the girls at Josias Priest 's school in Chelsea and wrote the epilogue to Dido and Aeneas when it was presented there in 1689–90 .
2 An exact parallel can be drawn with Spain , Portugal and Greece when they were admitted early for political and democratic reasons .
3 Certainly Russia has openly intervened with military force to control its satellites like Hungary and Czechoslovakia when it thought they were stepping out of line and also supported the introduction of martial law in Poland to curb industrial unrest .
4 ‘ I looked up to Valerie and Lesley when I was a kid and I hope today 's youngsters will see me as a role model . ’
5 And then we came down to Frinton and Felixstowe when London so .
6 Crowd violence towards players is another area of concern after the FA ordered a replay of the Cup tie between Peterborough and Kingstonian when the visitors ' keeper was knocked out by a coin thrown from behind his goal .
7 Secondly , why is there imprisonment in England and Wales when the Government abolished it four years ago in Scotland ?
8 Apparently they were literally poised to arrest both Nigel and Kerry when the clothes were found to be missing from the cupboard this morning .
9 By way of illustration , let us take an example from the development of Newton 's theory that we have considered several times before , and consider the situation that confronted Leverrier and Adams when they addressed themselves to the troublesome orbit of the planet Uranus .
10 Berhtfrith praefectus , almost certainly the Berhtfrith who fought on Osred 's side at Bamburgh and who later spoke in favour of a settlement with Wilfrid at the council on the Nidd ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 60 ) , perhaps also a kinsman of Berhtred , son of Beornhaeth , was involved in a conflict in 711 in what had been Manau Gododdin between the Rivers Avon and Carron when the Picts were defeated ( HE V , 24 ; ASC D , s.a. 710 ; AU s.a. 710 : AT p. 222 ) .
11 BROTHERS Steven and Matthew Rivers were almost the same ages as Princes William and Harry when their small world fell apart .
12 It has been said that he provided no leadership and lacked control of the episcopate , and it is clear that he waited on events in 1326–7 , only casting his lot with Isabella and Mortimer when the king 's cause was obviously lost .
13 unlike Kelly and David when they come round , they just walk in , you know
14 But he was n't stuck up about this , nor did he ignore Carrie and Nick when other people were there .
15 Charges in connection with one remaining murder and travelling in the presence of an unlicensed pistol were still pending against Orchin , Richmond and McCready when The Sunday Times published its findings .
16 Further south , Abdallah 's troops quickly occupied Bethlehem and Hebron when the Jews pushed Egyptian forces out of the central southern sector in October .
17 which , which is why now er that Rose and Jean when they considered it .
18 One of the most unusual items is a grandfather clock featuring the figures of Adam and Eve when it chimes Adam passes an apple to Eve .
19 ‘ Some neighbours of ours in Scotland had unnaturally cosmopolitan views about the best way to bring up their daughters and they had all been sent to stay with family friends in both Paris and Florence when they were about seventeen .
20 " It 's true , " he told Harry and Ann when they looked for confirmation .
21 I am so very very glad to have had that opportunity to help both Brian and SUSIE when they stayed that month with me — and only wish I saw more of her .
22 ‘ What a terrible time you must have had — having to fly all this way to the States , and then to see poor , darling Liz and Owen when they 're so terribly , terribly ill .
23 Oh Marks and Spencers when I buy those croissants they 'd got hot cross buns on sale .
24 Marks and Sparks when we went .
25 Annie Garnett and her workers were part of an important movement in Britain and Europe when there was a resurgence of pride in the natural characteristics of arts and crafts after the Industrial Revolution .
26 Her own father , Solomon Klinitsky-Klein ( sometimes Kline , who was born at Vilkaviki ; the other side of the family come from Vilna ) , was hugely influential there ; through his books , notably his Lexicon Of Hebrew Homonyms which received excellent reviews in North America , Great Britain and Israel when published , became very well known in his adopted land .
27 This was not made explicit to the Russians , since more attention had to be devoted to the logistics of deploying American forces in Japan and Korea when the war ended .
28 At home Perdita behaved more atrociously than ever before , storming round the house , refusing to get a job and screaming at Violet and Eddie when they returned bronzed from a month in LA with Hamish and Wendy .
29 Samuel Dale practised at Bocking in Essex , where his garden of curiosities prompted a visit from Petiver and Sherard when on a tour of East Anglia .
30 You only have to look and see what happened in Germany when Beckenbauer retired , in Brazil when they lost Pele and Holland when they no longer had Cruyff .
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