Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 Markby telephoned Meredith and asked her if she was interested in a country walk that morning .
2 But what woman could have lured Angela Brickell and persuaded her to take all her clothes off in the middle of a wood ? ’
3 I decided that she had never really liked Richard and wrote her an angry letter attacking a Labour politician I knew she particularly admired , saying he did not care for Socialist principles and was no more than a cunning man who would do anything for power .
4 Cleo ran to Lucy and hit her around the knees with the balloon shouting ‘ Doon … doon . ’
5 Rosalba closed her eyes , and beseeched heaven , not for the first time , ‘ Dear Lady , Lady who has known tears and cares and the love of God on earth , please help Serafina and give her lots of milk so she can make money and give her strength and stop people being unkind to her .
6 He darted a brief glance towards Therese and saw she had a surprised little smile on her face , the smile of a professional who discovers she will be singing with a partner well above average .
7 Someone brought it in on Saturday and said she had to go to Africa and would I take it . "
8 In the early hours of 9th January , 1969 , Vigilant sighted the suspect vessel entering the River Swale near the Isle of Sheppey and followed her in at a safe distance .
9 I went to see Suor Eusebia and gave her a message to deliver to Eric when the attention of the carabinieri was else where .
10 Olwyn hits Katie and makes her cry .
11 ‘ Go to meet him with Maggie and let her charm him . ’
12 Mrs Lennox threw an arm around Maggie and drew her into the kitchen .
13 A neighbor summoned the owner from Dorset and told her it was a scandal that her house should be vacant when young people were looking for accommodation , so she let the house to us .
14 In October , however , Turkey , hoping to gain territory from Russia and to reinforce her flagging influence in the Balkans , had entered the war on the side of the Central Powers .
15 After the meeting a lot of people wanted to talk to Karen and ask her about the last few days .
16 She did , however , slip next door to May and gave her a rough sketch of what had happened , right up to the Syrup of Figs .
17 Then the cops did do something but I do n't know if it was a tip-off or dumb luck : they raided some farmhouse up in Tuscany and found her still alive .
18 ‘ Like that one in Gulliver , ’ said Ann , and this started a discussion as to whether Scotland could engineer the flight of its islands to hover over England and starve her of sunlight and rain , like Laputa in Gulliver 's Travels .
19 Ruth Michaelis felt betrayed from the time her mother brought her over to England and left her with the Reverend Stead and his family .
20 He understood how she needed me when war broke out and most of the men were away , he realized I would n't feel able to go back to England and abandon her .
21 This had to be some wonderful dream , because Felipe de Santis would not come here to England and seek her out .
22 While Wild Will Darrel summoned his servants to reward Mrs Barnes and return her blindfolded to Shefford Woods , she seized the opportunity to cut a small piece of material from the drapes in the room .
23 She wished she could believe that Mother Clare in Dublin would welcome Eve and tell her that the Dublin convent would be her new home for the next year .
24 He found Tallis and lifted her .
25 Later , through the snow , Dreamer returned to Tallis and watched her with more knowing than before .
26 I did ring Agnes away back in January and thanked her for having you ; I was ringing her partly to tell her that , strangely , one of her Hungarian friends from Southampton ( called ) is now the computer expert at Chambers , whose services I 've been using recently to accomplish the final formatting of my questionnaire and piece of sample text .
27 But Carla has denied ever having an affair with Mick and says she has never even been to Thailand .
28 Jack went past Resus and hailed her , and she popped out into the corridor .
29 Rachaela seized Ruth and pulled her upright .
30 Then Sylvie walked towards Katherine and pecked her lightly on the cheek .
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