Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 Durkheim and others had emphasized to Eliot connections between primitive rituals like the intichiuma and more developed religions such as Christianity .
2 As Durkheim and others have tried to demonstrate , these relationships seem to have an independent existence over and above the individuals who compose them .
3 Much of the answer lies in the fact that , while Buffalo and Syracuse have curbside pick-up of refuse , in Rochester they pick up from backyards .
4 Bert and Jasper have been over much more often .
5 Most recent excursions to the West End were to see Les Miserables and Miss Saigon , both of which Jeff and Alison have seen twice .
6 Ronni smiled a small smile , grateful that the subject of Jeff and Silvia had been left behind , and enjoying , for once , the fact that she had him at a disadvantage .
7 So , he was in London on some business or other and had simply dropped by to tell her that Jeff and Silvia had got engaged .
8 ‘ You believe Jeff and Silvia have run away together , taking your speedboat with them out of spite — and you think the whole thing was my idea ! ’
9 Why would Jeff and Silvia have taken the speedboat there ?
10 Robert Stephenson and Co. had by 1840 supplied locomotives to Austria , Belgium , France , Germany , Italy , Russia , and North America .
11 Commentators suggested that Tho , Tam and Thach had been removed from the politburo partly because of their close association with Le Duc Tho , the veteran CPV leader and brother of Mai Chi Tho who had died in October 1990 [ see p. 37776 ] .
12 On Aug. 29 , Gorbachev made nominations to the Security Council , on which Yazov , Pugo , Pavlov , Yanayev , Kryuchkov and Bessmertnykh had served hitherto [ see p. 38103 ] .
13 Sommer and Zeger have estimated that if full compliance had been achieved in the Aceh study the reduction in mortality in months 4 to 12 would have been 72% rather than the 41% given by the intention to treat analysis .
14 The direct tram service between Fleetwood and Blackpool has been maintained continuously since 1898 , with the single exception of winter 1963/4 when buses ran between Blackpool and Cleveleys .
15 Indonesia and Australia had both expressed support for regional security talks .
16 In December the joint forestry committee of Indonesia and Malaysia called for retaliatory action and said that it was " unfair " for Western environmentalists to blame Association of South East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) countries for global problems , and said that Indonesia and Malaysia had both taken steps " to sustain forest resources " .
17 While admitting that forested areas were becoming smaller as a result of " rapid development " , it claimed that both Indonesia and Malaysia had taken steps " to sustain forest resources " .
18 Indonesia and Malaysia have responded belligerently to the European parliament 's resolution calling for a ban on imports of tropical hardwoods .
19 The Indonesian Foreign Minister Ali Alatas announced on Aug. 24 that Indonesia and Portugal had agreed terms to allow a delegation of Portuguese parliamentarians to visit East Timor .
20 Over 300 staff have been employed to carry out the service led by General Manager , Edward Clarkin and CCG have opened a new Scarborough Office .
21 It was only when everyone was thinking of bed and Jean and Tina had gone off to give their respective babies their last feeds and Hilda was in the kitchen clearing the last of the dishes , that Bruce said , ‘ Would anyone like a nightcap ? ’
22 Jean and Brian had never been camping in their lives .
23 Now I have I 've asked Dennis and Chris 's insisted that he deals with it so Chris has taken it over , and Dennis is getting back to Chris with the stockpiles of how much is ten weeks old , eleven you know so so you
24 Eleanor and Henry had separated unofficially and there was no love lost between them .
25 I hope Fairclough plays , the thought of Wetherall and Newsome having to cope with Shearer and Newell/Gallagher on the break scares me .
26 Their parallels with the case of Finland are unconvincing since Soviet policies towards Afghanistan and Finland have operated in quite dissimilar political and strategic environments .
27 Reviewing the exhibition , Vauxcelles wrote : ‘ M. Braque is an exceedingly audacious young man … the misleading example of Picasso and Derain has encouraged him .
28 At the time of their meeting , Picasso and Braque had very different positions in the Paris art world .
29 In 1907 Picasso and Braque had been living near each other in Montmartre for some time , and after 1908 began meeting daily to talk , visit the galleries and museums , and to examine each other 's work .
30 It was Metzinger who , in his Note sur la Peinture of 1910 , was the first to write of the fact that Picasso and Braque had dismissed traditional perspective and felt free to move around their subjects , studying them from various points of view .
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