Example sentences of "[noun prp] and so [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These demonstrate the basis upon which Stalin seized Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania and so undermine the legitimacy of continued Soviet rule .
2 The one Johnson 's enthusiasm faded and he soon drifted away from the sport ; the other had his first competitive contest in the following January and so began one of the longest and least celebrated ring careers in British boxing .
3 ‘ Secondly , Philip hopes Edward will lay claim to Scotland and so become immersed in a tangled and lengthy war . ’
4 Noah lived before Moses and so did n't have the Ten commandments as a basis for living righteously ; but he listened to God , and obeyed Him .
5 Up to now she had typed only audio tapes for Canon Wheeler and so had no experience of his handwriting .
6 I am a veterans visitor for JS and so come into contact with veterans who have served many years with the company .
7 It has more than fulfilled its founding fathers ' two objectives : to rebuild the economy of a shattered Europe , and to bury the hatchet between France and Germany and so bind together the nations of Europe that they would never go to war again .
8 In spite of this awareness , it seems extraordinary that the candidate in Madrid favoured by Prim and his government was one who was bound to be unacceptable to Napoleon III for the simple reason that he was a son of King Louis-Philippe and so represented the Orléanist dynasty .
9 Alternatively , the Soviets might select the site at Brawdy as a target for a sudden nuclear strike in order to demonstrate that they were able to protect their submarines in the Atlantic and so maintain the nuclear threat which the presence of such posed to the United States .
10 But what was clear is that editors , believing that the play was about the intrinsically moral Brutus , could not accept a feigning Brutus and so explained away , or repressed , the scene where that role playing is most formally represented .
11 It has an air about it quite unlike the rest of East Lindsey and so displays yet another diverse aspect of this varied region .
12 In the strictest sense of the word Iceland is not a ‘ Arctic ’ country ; the Circle nicks only the northern tip of the isle of Grimsey and so leaves the main island in a sub-Arctic no man 's land .
13 The transformation effected by industrialisation undermined the basis of the rural economy in West Ham and so established new contours of class relationships .
14 The only problem was that the big men in Formula One were not delegated at the Plenary Conference of FISA and so did not have a vote .
15 Though the incidence of Becker is only one tenth that of Duchenne muscular dystrophy , the three families who refused a biopsy did so on the grounds that while they accepted their son had a muscular dystrophy they preferred to live in the hope that it might be Becker and so chose not to complete the diagnostic process .
16 He learned from Mrs Thatcher the dangers of igniting the Tory divide over Europe and so returned from Maastricht , opt-outs in hand , proclaiming victory .
17 In consequence , it actually masks the true reality of power in Britain and so serves as an ideology legitimising and stabilising the system as one worthy of public support .
18 When George Bush called for Saddam to be deposed , it was clear that : he did not want the Kurds to do it ( that would displease Turkey , Syria , Iran and Russia , and therefore , everybody else ) ; he did not want the Shiites to do it ( that would please Iran and so displease everybody else ) ; and he was not sure if he wanted the Sunnis to do it ( because that might make the Kurds and the Shiites do it , too ) .
19 As he rounded the leeward mark for the first time , Pat Marshall in 9th place found himself being covered by Simon Allen and so went off on the opposite tack to get clear of the dirty wind , followed by Chris Eyre .
20 ‘ I spoke to Edwards about Bull and so did Stan Flashman , but Alex Ferguson tells me Martin Edwards did n't speak to either of us because he was with him all afternoon .
21 That has been established ; she will return to France and so dash any hope of a permanent alliance . ’
22 So does Stuey and so does Bob , do n't you Bob ?
23 No sooner had the Bush Administration declared Norman-bashing a national pastime than all the year-end ‘ Norman 's won only one Major and so has Jeff Sluman ’ stuff started to appear .
24 Langton was to be promoted archbishop of Canterbury by Innocent and so began the long quarrel between the Holy See and King John .
25 Very soft graphite pencils which are rich and velvety combine happily with Neocolor and so does watercolour — not just for making resist textures .
26 Swanhilda strikes similar poses with her mantilla and fan in Coppélia and so do the Spanish dancers in Swan Lake .
27 He told its authors : ‘ I took part in a number of school and house plays at Charterhouse and so acquired a taste for performing in public . ’
28 He had lost his watch back in Victorian London and so had no clear idea of time ; it may have taken minutes or hours to get back to the hole in time .
29 David Smith was flown in from England as cover for Gooch , only to have his thumb badly bruised in the one-day international in Barbados and so miss the Bridgetown Test .
30 Certainly Polydore Vergil seems to have fallen victim to his own condensed chronology when he argues that it was the events at Stony Stratford which caused Hastings to mistrust Gloucester and so led to Hastings ' opposition and execution .
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