Example sentences of "[noun prp] be given [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Although President Barco is given credit for good intentions , the fear is that his move has come too late : by now , the money at stake is too big , the drug barons too firmly entrenched in Colombian society , and the state institutions too deeply compromised by too many years of complacency , if not complicity .
32 Mrs Mandela and Mrs Falati were given jail sentences last year but were released on bail pending an appeal .
33 Top town : Lisburn Mayor Alderman Ivan Davis was given star attention from Kathy Reid and Jane Hodgers when he received awards for the 1992 Progressive ‘ Ulster in Bloom ’ competition .
34 His father died shortly afterwards , and Margery was given permission by her confessor to escort her daughter-in-law as far as Ipswich , where the latter was to take ship for home .
35 And they said he never said much to them , well he perhaps did n't , he would n't do because he was like that you see , but pra before interviewing him on television , er of course the War came and India was given freedom , and er there used to be you know the Sweet people who used to have a big factory on Road , was a very famous sweet in them days , I do n't think they are now , but was a very good sweet firm , and they 'd got a daughter cos she was in the , during the War the Anglo-Soviet Friendship er she was one of the course they 'd got hundreds but she was one .
36 Steam inhalations were given four hourly and Mr Brown was given analgesia prior to physiotherapy .
37 ITN was given access to the camps seven days ago after the leader of the Bosnian Serbs , Radovan Karadjic , challenged journalists to see for themselves that prisoners were well treated .
38 Morag Taylor from Polmont was given community service .
39 William was given command of a schooner and spent the next 6 years trading on Lake Erie .
40 The teachers at Howard were given government grants for their work but the money they received was the standard Salvation Army allowance .
41 A bicameral parliament at Stormont near Belfast was given control of domestic policy on matters that did not affect other parts of the United kingdom .
42 There is no specific reference to his serving Gloucester until after the duke 's accession ( when he became an esquire of the body ) , but his brother John was given land by the duke , which implies a close connection .
43 There is no specific reference to his serving Gloucester until after the duke 's accession ( when he became an esquire of the body ) , but his brother John was given land by the duke , which implies a close connection .
44 Henry was given oxygen but appeared to recover of his own accord .
45 Other documents to which Shaughnessy was given access included a series of DIA Defense Intelligence Terrorism Summaries ( DITSUMs ) issued in the second half of 1988 warning against renewed threats of attack on US interests , particularly as a consequence of the shooting down of the Iranian Airbus in July .
46 Wade Smith was given salesman of the year in January and promptly left to set up shop on his own .
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